
Review Round-up

Now that there are quite a number of reviews, I am going to see if I can collect them in one place and more or less pin them here.  I still hope to make further improvements to the blog and do a more thorough job of tagging posts, but this would make a big improvement (if it works).  While I will try not to be too obsessive about it, I will probably list in alphabetical order by author and then chronologically for authors with multiple books.  The reviews are 95% or so about Canadian authors, though this may change at some point, coming down from an artificial high. It should be noted that in a few cases these are not proper full-blown reviews but posts where I dwell on some particular aspect of a book.

Book reviews:

Amis, Martin
     Other People

Atwood, Margaret
     Lady Oracle
     Cat's Eye
     Moral Disorder and Other Stories
     Morning in the Burned House
     The Door
     The Penelopiad
     The Heart Goes Last

Badami, Anita Rau
     Tamarind Mem

Barnes, Djuna

Beach, Kimmy
     Alarum Within: Theatre Poems
     Fake Paul
     In Cars

Beckett, Samuel
     Three Novels

Bezmozgis, David
     Natasha and Other Stories
     The Free World
     Immigrant City

Birney, Earle
     One Muddy Hand: Selected Poems

Bissoondath, Neil
     The Innocence of Age
     Digging Up the Mountains
     On the Eve of Uncertain Tomorrows
     The Soul of All Great Designs

Blais, Marie-Claire
     Mad Shadows

Booker, Fred
     Adventures in Debt Collection

Bouchet, David
    Sun of a Distant Land

Bowering, George
     Burning Water
     Delayed Mercy and Other Poems
     Vermeer's Light
     My Darling Nellie Grey
     Could Be

Brand, Dionne
     What We All Long For

Bruck, Julie
     Monkey Ranch

Callaghan, Morley 
     Such is My Beloved
     More Joy in Heaven
     The Loved and the Lost
     The Many Colored Coat
     A Fine and Private Place

Carroll, Jim
    The Basketball Diaries

Carter, Angela
    Nights at the Circus

Cather, Willa
    My Antonia

Christensen, Kate
     Jeremy Thrane

Choi, Ann
     Kay's Lucky Coin Variety

Clarke, George Elliott
     Lush Dreams, Blue Exile 

Compton, Wayde
     49th Parallel Psalm
     After Canaan: Essays on Race, Writing, and Region
     The Outer Harbour

Coupland, Douglas
     City of Glass

Crosbie, Lynn
     Queen Rat

Crummey, Michael
     Arguments With Gravity
     Hard Light
     Emergency Roadside Assistance/Salvage

Darwin, Charles
     The Voyage of the Beagle

Demers, Charles
     The Prescription Errors

de Quincey, Thomas
     Confessions of an English Opium Eater

deWitt, Patrick
     The Sisters Brothers

Dickner, Nicholas
     Apocalypse for Beginners 

Donlan, John
     Spirit Engine

Dostoevsky, Fyodor

Durrell, Lawrence
     The Alexandria Quartet

Engel, Marian
     The Honeyman Festival
     Inside the Easter Egg
     The Glassy Sea
     Lunatic Villas
     The Tattooed Woman

Enns, Karen
     Cloud Physics

Faulkner, William
     As I Lay Dying
     Intruder in the Dust
     A Fable 

Findley, Timothy
     The Wars
     Not Wanted on the Voyage 
     You Went Away
     Elizabeth Rex

Gallant, Mavis
     The Moslem Wife and Other Stories
     Home Truths
     Varieties of Exile
     The Cost of Living

Gartner, Zsuzsi
     Better Living through Plastic Explosives

Gibson, Graeme
     Gentleman Death

Grudova, Camilla
     The Doll's Alphabet

Healey, Emma

Hill, Karen
     Café Babanussa

Hill, Lawrence
     The Book of Negroes (aka Someone Knows My Name)

Hogg, James
     Private Memoirs and Confessions of a Justified Sinner

Hollingshead, Greg
     The Roaring Girl

Howe, Ken
     Cruise Control: a theogony

Hutchinson, Chris
     Unfamiliar Weather
     Other People's Lives
     A Brief History of the Short-lived

Keefer, Janice
     Midnight Stroll

Kerouac, Jack
     On the Road (some further thoughts here)

Kinsella, W. P.
     The Essential W. P. Kinsella
     Russian Dolls: Stories from the Breathing Castle

Kroetsch, Robert
     The Words of My Roaring
     The Studhorse Man
     Gone Indian
     What the Crow Said
     The Puppeteer
     The Man From the Creeks

Laferrière, Dany
     How to Make Love to a Negro
     Heading South

Latosik, Jeff

Lau, Evelyn
     Fresh Girls and Other Stories

Laurence, Margaret
     The Stone Angel
     A Jest of God
     The Fire-Dwellers
     The Diviners

Leacock, Stephen
     Sunshine Sketches of a Small Town

Lee Dennis
     Civil Elegies and Other Poems
     Heart Residence

Lee, Nancy
     Dead Girls
     The Age

LePage, Robert  and Marie Michaud
     The Blue Dragon

MacLennan, Hugh
     Barometer Rising
     Two Solitudes
     The Watch That Ends the Night
     Return of the Sphinx
     Voices in Time

Maharaj, Rabindranath
     Homer in Flight
     The Amazing Absorbing Boy

Mahfouz, Naguib
     The Cairo Trilogy

Majumdar, Anita
     The Fish Eyes Trilogy 

Malone, Michael
     Handling Sin

Mandel, Emily St. John

Marlatt, Daphne
     Liquidities: Vancouver Poems Then and Now

Martel, Yann
     The Facts behind the Helsinki Roccamatios and Other Stories

Maugham, Somerset
    Of Human Bondage

McCluskey, Elaine
    The Most Heartless Town in Canada

Mistry, Rohinton    Family Matters

Modiano, Patrick
     Informal thoughts on Suspended Sentences and Honeymoon

Moore, Brian
     The Luck of Ginger Coffey

Munro, Alice
     Dance of the Happy Shades
     Lives of Girls and Women
     Something I've Been Meaning to Tell You
     Who Do You Think You Are?
     The Moons of Jupiter
     The Progress of Love
     Friend of My Youth
     Open Secrets
     Too Much Happiness

Munro, Jane
     Point No Point
     Active Pass
     Blue Sonoma

Murdoch, Iris
     Under the Net

Némirovsky, Irene
     David Golder

New, W. H.
     Stone | Rain

O'Meara, David
     Noble Gas, Penny Black

O'Neill, Heather
     The Girl Who was Saturday Night

Ondaatje, Michael
     The Cat's Table

Partridge, Elise
     The If Borderlands

Patterson, Kevin

Pessl, Marisha
     Special Topics in Calamity Physics

Platonov, Andrey
     Happy Moscow

Powning, Beth
     The Sea Captain's Wife

Proust, Marcel
     Remembrance of Things Past (also here and here and here)

Quartermain, Meredith
     Vancouver Walking

Rempel, Al
    This Isn’t the Apocalypse We Hoped For

Rhyno, Greg
    To Me You Seem Giant

Richler, Mordecai
     The Apprenticeship of Duddy Kravitz
     The Incomparable Atuk
     The Street
     St. Urbain's Horseman
     Barney's Version

Ross, Sinclair
     As for Me and My House
     The Lamp at Noon and Other Stories

Roy, Gabrielle
      The Tin Flute
      The Cashier
      Street of Riches

Sherman, Kenneth

Shields, Carol
     Departures and Arrivals
     Various Miracles
     The Orange Fish
     Dressing Up for the Carnival
     The Republic of Love
     The Stone Diaries
     Larry's Party 

Sinclair, Sue
     Mortal Arguments 

Skvorecky, Josef
     The Engineer of Human Souls

Slesinger, Tess
     The Unpossessed

Sloan, Robin
     Mr. Penumbra's 24-Hour Bookstore

Smith, Neil

Smith, Russell
     How Insensitive

Stanley, George
     Vancouver: A Poem

Thayil, Jeet

Thackeray, William
     Vanity Fair

Thammavongsa, Souvankham
     Small Arguments

Thúy, Kim

Toews, Miriam
     A Complicated Kindness
     All My Puny Sorrows

Tremblay, Michel
     Stories for Late Night Drinkers
     The Fat Woman Next Door is Pregnant

Urquhart, Jane
     The Stone Carvers
     The Night Stages

Vanderhaeghe, Guy
     Man Descending
     My Present Age
     Things as They Are?
     Daddy Lenin and Other Stories

Vladislavić, Ivan
     The Restless Supermarket
     The Loss Library and Other Unfinished Stories

von Rezzori, Gregor
     An Ermine in Czernopol

Webb, Phyllis
     Peacock Blue

Weinzweig, Helen
     Passing Ceremony
     Basic Black with Pearls

Weston, Robert Paul

Wilson, Ethel
     Hetty Dorval
     Swamp Angel
     Mrs. Golightly and Other Stories

Winkler, Derek

Zipp, Steve

Reviews of plays:

Akhtar, Ayad

Anouilh, Jean

Durang, Christopher
      Vanya and Sonia and Masha and Spike

Friel, Brian
      Dancing at Lughnasa

Kimball, Callie
     Dreams of the Penny Gods

Kushner, Tony
      The Intelligent Homosexual's Guide to Capitalism and Socialism With a Key to the Scriptures

Margulies, Donald
     The Model Apartment

Middleton, Thomas
      The Changeling

Mighton, John
      Possible Worlds

Miller, Arthur
     Incident at Vichy


Moscovitch, Hannah

Rudnick, Paul

Shakepeare, William
     All's Well That Ends Well
     King Lear
     Much Ado About Nothing

Stoppard, Tom
     Arcadia (and notes on Arcadia)
     The Coast of Utopia
Tremblay, Michel
     Yours Forever, Marie-Lou

Walker, George
     Escape from Happiness
     After Class (Parents Night and The Bigger Issue)

Music reviews:

Paul Simon -- Graceland

Movie reviews:

Fellini's La Dolce Vita

Werner Herzog -- Lo and Behold

Particle Fever  

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