
Wednesday, February 23, 2011


This is my second attempt at blogging -- with my first from about five years back scattered like so many electrons.  I hope to be able to pin this first post.  I ultimately would like to set up four or five main content areas with posts under each: creative writing, children's artwork, musings on theater and literature and last, but certainly not least, discussions from the perspective of an urban sociologist (and frustrated academic type).

The rules are fairly simple.  It's my blog, and I will not hesitate to moderate and delete comments that I don't care for, for any reason, and if necessary block users who are abusive (or totally clueless).  But I don't think it will come to that.

In the very unlikely event that I publish material from the blog in another format -- and if I feel that comments left on the blog should be incorporated to establish context of my own rambling thoughts or to convey more fully an interesting debate -- then I will attempt to contact the poster before publication but will publish regardless if unsuccessful.  There will be no financial compensation if I publish comments left on this blog.  Leaving comments on this board will be taken as acceptance of these terms and conditions.


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