
Thursday, March 10, 2011


I really like lists, except those that make me feel a bit bad, like lists of things I still haven't accomplished. 

If I can figure it out, I will probably put the lists in their own separate section.

For now, let me put together a list of quasi-academic topics that probably could be turned into papers, but given my career trajectory I won't bother with, but instead will just muse about in this blog:
  • non-events (outcomes that are widely predicted to come to pass but don't for one reason or another)
  • a comparison of two such non-events - the (non)-construction of the Westway in Manhattan and the unbuilt Crosstown in Chicago
  • impacts of casinos at the regional level
  • an systematic approach to studying regions
  • the informality of African suburbs
  • a somewhat jaundiced view of the state of academia

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