
Friday, April 29, 2011

Birthday blues

So this is what 41 feels like -- eh.  It's hard to say how I would feel under normal circumstances but at the moment I am under extreme pressure.  I have been fixing up a condo to sell (in a difficult market) and am still trying to unpack from a move (and reduce the paper, books, CDs, etc. that I have in my life).  Work is marginally better than before, but my attention is focused on a job opportunity that seems incredible, but would require a move across the country -- and far more stress at the family level.  Just waiting to hear if I am getting a job offer is stressful.  Still, I do have more hopeful prospects in the medium term than an awful lot of people, and I should not forget that.

Not surprisingly I have not been writing much, but do have some notes here and there.  I still intend to wrap up the sestina project.  And hopefully the two plays that are competing for space in the back of my head.  More when I get a chance.

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