
Tuesday, April 12, 2011

Moving Blues

So we have been preparing to move for a while now, and moving day came and went (Sat. the 9th).  I am still exhausted.  We still need to spend some time going back and getting smaller things (like toys) and a lot of loose paper (my responsibility unfortunately) before we are ready to list the place on the market.  But we really need to have it up there soon.

Anyway, Sat. the movers had stuff moved over by about 1:30 pm (it was a 5.5 hour move!).
We managed to unpack the TV and while I couldn't get the computer ready, I did have a laptop, which proved crucial.  We went off for lunch at a bar/restaurant (far more bar than restaurant) near Unicoi.  We made it back and the Comcast man showed up.  It took him a while, but we ended up getting cable, internet and phone by 5 pm.  I probably did a little bit more, but we pretty much collapsed.

Sunday I put up blinds in my daughter's room and our bedroom.  I brought back a laptop so my wife could have some internet service.  I can't really remember what else I did.  My son and I did "sneak away" for a break at the Jazz Showcase to see Joe Lovano.

Monday I spent a lot of time looking through boxes in the office.  I put up the blinds in the office and rearranged the desk a bit.  I finally found enough cables to get the real computer and printer set up.  I did not find everything I needed for the older computer.  I may kind of put that into storage.  I'm going to put the LP player into storage.

Tonight I will try to put up more blinds and change the toilet seats.  I'm pretty close to having more bookcases ready, and that will help me get through a lot of boxes.  I am going to try to go through books and clothes and get rid of a lot of stuff.  Of course, I always say that.

So my father-in-law put up some blinds and I hung the rest.  So that's done.  One toilet seat cover is changed.  The other needs to be returned, as it is the wrong size.  Fortunately, it stayed in its package so it should be returnable.  Hoping to get some stuff onto shelves (probably CDs).  It's still overwhelming but it could definitely be worse.  We can function at a low level.  Maybe I'll get the bed put together tonight or tomorrow.  Right now it is just resting on the floor (actually not so bad with the box spring).  This weekend it looks like I'll have to spend most of my time at the old place getting it ready to list on the market.  Our agent was reasonably encouraging.

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