
Friday, January 13, 2012

Family in Vancouver

So I flew down to Chicago for the holidays -- and to help with the last of the packing.  Right after Xmas, we had the movers come, and we really lucked out in how warm it was.  And the following day it rained all day, so we were fortunate to miss that.

After a few more days off, the whole family flew up to Vancouver.  Although there was some figiting on the 4+ hour flight, on the whole the kids behaved well.  Then we had to deal with customs, and that was about another 2 hours, but the family is now street legal in BC!

Surprisingly, it took quite a while to get the kids actually in the local school.  The paperwork took about a week to make its way from the district to the school office.  But they started yesterday.  My son seems to like his new school.  My daughter is painfully shy, but I think she'll adjust quickly.  Apparently, the kindergarten teacher is very warm.

So things are slowly coming together.  I've thrown myself back into work of course.  I have done one new thing, however.  I signed up for a playwriting course at Langara (just down the street from my house), and I think that will be sufficient motivation to finally finish off some of my unfinished projects.  That will be Wednesday evenings, for roughly 2 months.  I'm also about to enter the 5th Annual Canadian Book Challenge, where I will review books by Canadian authors on this very blog.  I've got quite a backlog of books that I read (since the official start date), and I'll try to work on that a bit over the weekend.

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