
Friday, July 19, 2013

All the Books on the Shelves - pt4 (Fiction K-O)

Kafka R Complete Short Stories
Kafka R Amerika
Kafka R The Castle
Kafka R The Trial
Layding Kaliba R The Moon is My Witness 
Jane Kenyon R From Room to Room
Jane Kenyon Collected Poems
Uzma Aslam Khan Trespassing
Faye Kicknosway R A Man is A Hook Trouble
Faye Kicknosway R The Cat Approaches
Faye Kicknosway R Nothing Wakes Her
Faye Kicknosway R Who Shall Know Them?
Faye Kicknosway Mixed Plate: New and Selected Poems
Galway Kinnell R Selected Poems
Danilo Kis R A Tomb for Boris Davidovich
August Kleinzahler Sleeping It Off In Rapid City
August Kleinzahler R Green Sees Things In Waves
August Kleinzahler R Red Sauce, Whiskey and Snow
August Kleinzahler R The Strange Hours Travelers Keep
August Kleinzahler R Live From Hong Kong Nile Club
Ivan Klima R Love and Garbage
Aaron Kramer R Carousel Parkway and Other Poems
Aaron Kramer R Indigo and Other Poems
Robert Kroetsch Alberta
Robert Kroetsch R Completed Field Notes
Robert Kroetsch R The Studhorse Man
Robert Kroetsch R The Ledger
Robert Kroetsch R The Sad Phonician
Maxine Kumin Our Ground Time Here Will Be Brief
Maxine Kumin R The Long Approach
Maxine Kumin R Nuture
Jhumpa Lahiri R The Namesake
Jhumpa Lahiri R Unaccustomed Earth
B. Kojo Laing Search Sweet Country
Philip Larkin Collected Poems
Margaret Laurence The Fire Dwellers
Margaret Laurence The Stone Angel
Margaret Laurence R A Jest of God
Margaret Laurence A Bird In the House
Margaret Laurence The Diviners
Don L. Lee R We Walk the Way of the New World
Stanislaw Lem R Solaris
Doris Lessing R The Golden Notebook
Doris Lessing On Cats
Doris Lessing Stories
Jonathan Lethem R The Fortress of Solitude
Denise Levertov 1960-1967
Denise Levertov 1968-1972
Denise Levertov The Freeing of the Dust
Philip Levine R New and Selected Poems
Sinclair Lewis Babbitt
Sinclair Lewis Main Street
David Lodge Therapy
David Lodge R The British Museum Is Falling Down
Audre Lorde The Audre Lorde Compendium  (The Cancer Journals, A Burst of Light, and Sister Outsider)
Audre Lorde Zami: A New Spelling of My Name
Audre Lorde R Our Dead Behind Us
Audre Lorde R The Marvelous Arithmetics of Distance
Audre Lorde R The Black Unicorn
Audre Lorde R Chosen Poems Old and New
Audre Lorde R Undersong  
Amy Lowell Selected Poems
Hugh MacLennan R Two Solitudes
Haki R. Madhubti Ground Work: New and Selected Poems
Haki R. Madhubti Run Toward Fear
Naguib Mafouz Arabian Nights & Days
Naguib Mafouz At Sidi Gaber
Naguib Mafouz Adrift on the Nile
Naguib Mahfouz R The Cairo Trilogy (Palace Walk, Palace of Desire, Sugar Street)
Naguib Mafouz Fountain and Tomb
Naguib Mafouz Miramar
Naguib Mafouz  R Midaq Alley
Naguib Mafouz R The Thief and the Dogs
Naguib Mafouz Respected Sir
Naguib Mafouz Wedding Song
Naguib Mafouz The Search
Naguib Mafouz The Beggar
Naguib Mafouz Autumn Quail
Naguib Mafouz The Time and the Place and other stories
Naguib Mafouz R The Day the Leader was Killed
Naguib Mafouz The Journey of Ibn Fattouma
Naguib Mafouz Mirrors
Naguib Mafouz The Dreams
Naguib Mafouz Dreams of Departure
Malory R Works (Legend of King Arthur and His Knights)
Don Marquis R The lives and times of archy and mehitabel
Paule Marshall The Chosen Place, The Timeless People
Paule Marshall R Praisesong for the Widow
W. Somerset Maugham R Of Human Bondage
Maupasant Selected Short Stories
Armistead Maupin R Tales of the City
William Maxwell Bright Century of Heaven
William Maxwell They Came Like Swallows
William Maxwell The Folded Leaf
William Maxwell Time Will Darken It
William Maxwell The Chateau
William Maxwell So Long, See You Tomorrow
Mayakovsky The Bedbug and Selected Poetry
Colum McCann Let the Great World Spin
Herman Melville R The Confidence Man
Herman Melville Pierre
Herman Melville Israel Potter
Herman Melville The Piazza Tales
Herman Melville Billy Budd
W. S. Merwin Migation: New and Selected Poems
W. S. Merwin R Present Company
Ken Mikolowski R Little Mysteries
Ken Mikolowski R Big Enigmas
Rohinton Mistry R Family Matters
Rohinton Mistry Tales from Firozsha Baag
Joseph Mitchell Up in the Old Hotel
Joseph Mitchell My Ears are Bent
Nancy Mitford R Love in a Cold Climate
Marianne Moore The Poems of M. Moore
Toni Morrison R Song of Solomon
Toni Morrison Love
Toni Morrison Jazz
Alice Munro R Dance of the Happy Shades
Alice Munro R Lives of Girls and Women
Alice Munro R Something I've Been Meaning to Tell You
Alice Munro R Who Do You Think You Are?
Alice Munro R The Moons of Jupiter
Alice Munro R The Progress of Love
Alice Munro R Friend of My Youth
Alice Munro Open Secrets
Alice Munro The Love of a Good Woman
Alice Munro Hateship, Friendship, Courtship, Loveship, Marriage
Alice Munro Runaway
Alice Munro The View from Castle Rock
Alice Munro Too Much Happiness
Alice Munro Dear Life
Haruki Murakami R The Elephant Vanishes
Haruki Murakami R 1Q84
Haruki Murakami Blind Willow, Sleeping Woman
Haruki Murakami R After the Quake
Haruki Murakami Kafka on the Shore
Haruki Murakami The Wind-up Bird Chronicle
Robert Musil R The Man Without Qualities
Eileen Myles School of Fish
R. K. Narayan The Magic of Malgudi
     (R Swami and Friends; R The Bachelor of Arts; The Vendor of Sweets)
R.K. Narayan Memories of Malgudi
    (R The Dark Room; R The English Teacher; R Waiting for the Mahatma; The Guide; The World of Nagaraj)
R.K. Narayan The World of Malgudi
    (R Mr. Sampath; R The Financial Expert; The Painter of Signs; A Tiger for Malgudi)
R.K. Narayan A Town Called Malgudi
    (R The Man-eater of Malgudi; Talkative Man)
R.K. Narayan The Grandmother's Tale
Thomas Nashe The Unfortunate Traveller
Gloria Naylor R Bailey's Cafe
Gloria Naylor Mama Day
Gloria Naylor The Women of Brewster Place
Pablo Neruda Five Decades: Poems 1925-70
Pablo Neruda R Residence on Earth
Pablo Neruda Ceremonial Poems
Pablo Neruda Canto General
Pablo Neruda Selected Odes
Pablo Neruda Isla Negra
Pablo Neruda R Twenty Love Poems
Pablo Neruda R The Captain's Verses
Pablo Neruda Winter Garden
Pablo Neruda Still Another Day
Pablo Neruda Late and Posthumous Poems
Lorine Niedecker Collected Works
Anais Nin Cities of the Interior
Flann O'Brien R At Swim-Two-Birds
Flann O'Brien R The Third Policeman
Flann O'Brien The Dalkey Archive
Kate O'Brien The Ante-Room
Frank O'Hara R Lunch Poems
Frank O'Hara R Meditations in an Emergency
Frank O'Hara R Collected Poems
John O'Hara Collected Stories
John O'Hara Waiting for Winter
Sharon Olds R The Dead and the Living 
Sharon Olds R The Gold Cell
Sharon Olds R The Father
Joseph O'Neill Netherland
Michael Ondaatje R The Collected Works of Billy the Kid
Michael Ondaatje R Secular Love
Michael Ondaatje R The Cat's Table
George Oppen New Collected Poems
Ron Overton R Psychic Killed By Train
Ovid R The Metamorphoses

So I score K-O as 60/190 or just a bit under 32%.  Looks like I have some work to do here.  I suppose if I keep to my plan and spend a fair bit of time in the next year going through Mahfouz and Narayan, I can get up to 40%.

Not quite sure how well I'll do with P-Z (and the grand total), though there are a number of short poetry collections that I have read; however, this is somewhat countered by a nearly complete set of Steinbeck, of which I've read little.  I should be able to tabulate by the end of the weekend.  Very, very preliminary calculations suggest that I will be over 35% for all fiction/poetry but won't hit the 40% mark.  There's definitely a lot left to read (400+ individual works), but still doable.  At my current rate of reading (and allowing myself to get sidetracked by slipping in other non-canonical and non-shelf books), I'm looking at another 8 or 9 years.  Maybe a decade at worst...

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