
Friday, July 12, 2013

All the Books on the Shelves - pt3 (Fiction E-J)

Based on very preliminary analysis, it seems that the fiction, poetry and drama (on the shelves) will come out to roughly 850 distinct works.  If the current read/unread ratio holds, then I will have read (and/or viewed in the case of plays) 300 of them.  So that's the current over/under for anyone keeping track.

In addition, there are roughly 350 non-fiction books (sociology/anthropology/urban studies/history/philosophy) and somewhere between 200-250 art monographs on the shelves.  And this is after slimming down the collection!  I actually gave away two bookcases before moving from Chicago.  Back then, there were still massive overflows of books.  I believe if I still had those two bookcases I would be able to get nearly all of the boxed up books onto shelves, so there has been real progress.  Ideally, I would get rid of all books not on bookcases to force myself to thin out the collection even more (like not buying bigger pants when the current pants start getting tight), but I'll probably compromise and acquire one more bookcase after the next move.

Anyway, E-J takes us almost to the end of the middle bookcase.

T.S. Eliot R Complete Poems and Plays, 1909-1950
Ralph Ellison R Invisible Man
Karen Enns R That Other Beauty
John Fante The Bandini Quartet (Wait Until Spring, Bandini; The Road to Los Angeles; Ask the Dust and Dreams From Bunker Hill)
John Fante West of Rome
William Faulkner R Absalom, Absalom!
William Faulkner R As I Lay Dying
William Faulkner R The Sound and the Fury
William Faulkner R Light in August
William Faulkner The Unvanquished
William Faulkner If I Forget Thee, Jerusalem (The Wild Palms)
William Faulkner R Go Down, Moses
William Faulkner The Snopes Trilogy (The Hamlet, The Town, and The Mansion)
William Faulkner R The Reivers
Kenneth Fearing R New and Selected Poems
Frederick Feirstein Manhattan Carnival
Ferlinghetti R A Coney Island of the Mind
Ferlinghetti R A Far Rockaway of the Heart
Ferlinghetti R Endless Life
Timothy Findley Stones
Timothy Findley R Famous Last Words
Timothy Findley The Piano Man’s Daughter
Timothy Findley Pilgrim
Timothy Findley R Headhunter
Timothy Findley R Not Wanted on the Voyage
F. Scott Fitzgerald The Basil & Josephine Stories
F. Scott Fitzgerald The Pat Hobby Stories
F. Scott Fitzgerald Novels and Stories 1920–22 (including This Side of Paradise, The Beautiful and Damned and R Tales of the Jazz Age)
F. Scott Fitzgerald The Short Stories of F. Scott Fitzgerald
Leon Forrest Divine Days
Leon Forrest Meteor In the Madhouse
Robert Frost Collected Poems, Prose and Plays
Carlos Fuentes R Christopher Unborn
Alice Fulton R Palladium
Alice Fulton R Powers of Congress
William Gaddis The Recognitions
William Gaddis Agape Agape
Damon Galgut The Imposter
Mavis Gallant The Selected Stories of Mavis Gallant
Mavis Gallant Varieties of Exile
Mavis Gallant Home Truths
Gadda R That Awful Mess on Via Merulana
Federico Garcia Lorca Collected Poems
Federico Garcia Lorca R Poet in New York
Gabriel Garcia Marquez Strange Pilgrims
Gabriel Garcia Marquez R One Hundred Years of Solitude
Gabriel Garcia Marquez R In Evil Hour
Gabriel Garcia Marquez R The Autumn of the Patriarch
Gabriel Garcia Marquez R Love In the Time of Cholera
Gabriel Garcia Marquez Of Love and Other Demons
Gabriel Garcia Marquez Story of A Shipwrecked Sailor
Gabriel Garcia Marquez R Leaf Storm
Gabriel Garcia Marquez R Chronicle of A Death Foretold
Gabriel Garcia Marquez R No One Writes To the Colonel
    (this was a pretty cool box set of Garcia Marquez novels I picked up in the UK, though I think the novellas could have been combined to make room for The General In His Labyrinth)
Gabriel Garcia Marquez R Collected Stories
Gabriel Garcia Marquez R The General In His Labyrinth
Gaskell Wives and Daughters
Gaskell R North and South
Amitav Ghosh The Glass Palace
Reginald Gibbons R Slow Trains Overhead
Allen Ginsberg Collected Poems 1947-1980
Albert Goldbarth The Kitchen Sink: New and Selected Poem 1972-2007
Nadine Gordimer Something Out There
Nadine Gordimer My Son’s Story
Alasdair Gray Lanark: A Life In Four Books
Alasdair Gray Poor Things
Alasdair Gray Ten Tales, Tall and True
Henry Green Loving, Living, Party Going
Henry Green Nothing, Doting, Blindness
Henry Green Caught, Back, Concluding
Graham Greene R Travels With My Aunt
Vasily Grossman Life and Fate
George & Weldon Grossmith R Diary of a Nobody
Thom Gunn R The Man With Night Sweats
Jim Gustafson R Virtue and Annihilation
Mohammed Hanif A Case of the Exploding Mangoes
Thomas Hardy The Mayor of Casterbridge
Thomas Hardy Tess of the D’Urbervilles
Thomas Hardy Jude the Obscure
Thomas Hardy The Return of the Native
Thomas Hardy R Far from the Madding Crowd
Jim Harrison R Selected & New Poems
Jim Harrison R The Theory & Practice of Rivers and New Poems
Nathaniel Hawthorne R The Scarlet Letter
Nathaniel Hawthorne The House of Seven Gables
Robert Hayden R Collected Poems
Seamus Heaney R District and Circle
Hemingway Complete Short Stories
Hemingway A Farewell to Arms
O. Henry R The Gift of the Magi and Other Short Stories
Lolita Hernandez R Snake Crossing
Victor Hernandez Cruz R Snaps
Victor Hernandez Cruz R Rhythm, Content and Flavor
Robert Hershon R How to Ride On the Woodlawn Express
Jack Hodgins The Invention of the World
Jack Hodgins Distance
E.T.A. Hoffmann The Life and Opinions of Tomcat Murr
James Hogg R The Private Memoirs and Confessions of A Justified Sinner
Homer The Iliad (Lattimore trans.)
Homer The Odyssey (Lattimore trans.)
Fanny Howe r Selected Poems
William Dean Howells A Hazard of New Fortunes
Langston Hughes Collected Poems
Zora N. Hurston R Their Eyes Were Watching God
David Ignatow R Selected Poems
Randall Jarrell R Selected Poems
Ruth Prawer Jhabvala In Search of Love and Beauty
Charles Johnson R Oxherding Tale
James Weldon Johnson R God's Trombones
June Jordan R Things That I Do in the Dark
James Joyce R Dubliners
James Joyce R Portrait of the Artist as a Young Man
James Joyce R Ulysses
James Joyce Finnegan's Wake

Again, a bit of ambiguity how to count some of these works, but I shall score it as 50/121 or 40%.  Not too shabby.

Novels and Stories 1920–1922

This Side of Paradise Flappers and PhilosophersThe Beautiful and DamnedTales of the Jazz Age

- See more at:

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