
Saturday, July 20, 2013

All the Books on the Shelves - pt5 (Fiction P-Z)

This concludes my book listings.  I think it will be a long time (if ever) before I list the urban studies and history books.  But never say never.

Grace Paley R Enormous Changes at the Last Minute
Goffredo Parise R Abecedary
Goffredo Parise R Solitudes
Octavio Paz The Collected Poems 1957-87
Marge Piercy Circles on the Water
Marge Piercy Circles on the Water: Selected Poems
Marge Piercy R Stone, Paper, Knife
Marge Piercy R The Moon is Always Female
Marge Piercy R My Mother's Body
Marge Piercy R The Twelve-Spoked Wheel Flashing
Robert Pinsky R Gulf Music
Robert Pinsky R Jersey Rain
Sylvia Plath R The Collected Poems
Katherine Porter Collected Stories and Other Writings (Flowering Judas and Other Stories; Pale Horse, Pale Rider; The Leaning Tower)
Katherine Porter R Ship of Fools (another book I probably ought to reread but not this year)
Dawn Powell A Time To be Born
Dawn Powell Novels 1944-1962 (My Home Is Far Away; The Locusts Have No King; The Wicked Pavilion; and The Golden Spur)
John Cowper Powys Wolf Solent
Marcel Proust R Remembrance of Things Past (no longer on the shelves)
Al Purdy Beyond Remembering: The Collected Poems of Al Purdy
Barbara Pym R Some Tame Gazelle
Barbara Pym R Excellent Women
Barbara Pym R Jane and Prudence
Barbara Pym R Less than Angels
Barbara Pym R A Glass of Blessings
Barbara Pym R No Fond Return of Love
Barbara Pym R An Academic Question
Barbara Pym R Quartet in Autumn
Barbara Pym R The Sweet Dove Died
Thomas Pynchon R The Crying of Lot 49
Thomas Pynchon R Gravity's Rainbow
Thomas Pynchon R V
Rabelais R Gargantua and Pantagruel
Revell From the Abandoned Cities
Charles Reznikoff R Poems 1918-75
Adrienne Rich R Snapshots of a Daughter-in-Law
Adrienne Rich R Diving into the Wreck
Adrienne Rich R The Dream of a Common Language
Adrienne Rich R A Wild Patience Has Taken Me This Far
Adrienne Rich R The Fact of a Doorframe
Adrienne Rich R Your Native Land, Your Life
Adrienne Rich R Time's Power
Adrienne Rich R From an Atlas of the Difficult World
Adrienne Rich R Dark Fields of the Republic
Adrienne Rich Midnight Salvage
Adrienne Rich Fox
Adrienne Rich School Among the Ruins
Adrienne Rich Telephone Ringing
Adrienne Rich Tonight No Poetry Will Serve (probably I have read her last 5 collections but ought to reread anyway as I kind of rushed through them)
Adrienne Rich On Lies, Secrets and Science
Adrienne Rich What is Found There
Alberto Rios Teodoro Luna's Two Kisses
Rilke R Sonnets to Orpheus
Rilke R The Notebooks of Malte Laurids Brigge
Rilke Ahead of All Parting (Selected Poetry and Prose)
Rilke New Poems 1907
Rilke New Poems 1908
Rimbaud R Complete Works
Theodore Roethke Collected Poems
Gabrielle Roy R The Cashier
Gabrielle Roy R The Tin Flute
Gabrielle Roy R Street of Riches
Vita Sackville-West No Signposts In The Sea
Carl Sandburg R Chicago Poems
Tony Sanders R Transit Authority
Gjertrud Schnackenberg R The Throne of Labdacus
Grace Schulman The Paintings of Our Lives
James Schuyler Selected Poems
David Sedaris R Holidays on Ice
Jaroslav Seifert The Poetry of J. Seifert
Anne Sexton R The Complete Poems
Ntozake Shange R Ridin' the Moon in Texas
Harvey Shapiro R The Sights Along the Harbor
Karl Shapiro R Selected Poems
Carol Shields R Unless
Charles Simic Dime-Store Alchemy
Charles Simic R Selected Poems, Expanded
Charles Simic The Voice at 3:00 AM
Charles Simic R The World Doesn't End
Charles Simic R The Book of Gods and Devils
Charles Simic R Hotel Insomnia
Charles Simic R A Wedding in Hell
Charles Simic R Walking the Black Cat
Charles Simic R Night Picnic
Charles Simic R My Noiseless Entourage
Charles Simic R That Little Something
Charles Simic The Monster Loves His Labyrinth
Sue Sinclair R Mortal Arguments
Josef Skvorecky R The Bass Saxophone
Josef Skvorecky The Miracle Game
Tess Slesinger R The Unpossessed
Tobias Smollett R Humpry Clinker
Gary Snyder R Riprap and Cold Mountain Poems
Gary Snyder R Axe Handles
Gary Snyder R The Back Country
Gary Snyder R Regarding Wave
Gary Snyder No Nature: New and Selected Poems
Aleksandr Solzhenitsyn R One Day in the Life of Ivan Denisovich
Patrick Somerville R The Universe in Miniature in Miniature
Soseki I am a Cat
Gary Soto R The Elements of San Joaquin
Gary Soto R The Tale of Sunlight
John Steinbeck The Pastures of Heaven
John Steinbeck To a God Unknown
John Steinbeck Tortilla Flat
John Steinbeck In Dubious Battle
John Steinbeck Of Mice and Men
John Steinbeck The Grapes of Wrath
John Steinbeck The Long Valley (stories)
John Steinbeck The Log from the Sea of Cortez
John Steinbeck The Harvest Gypsies
John Steinbeck The Moon Is Down
John Steinbeck R Cannery Row
John Steinbeck The Pearl
John Steinbeck East of Eden
John Steinbeck The Wayward Bus
John Steinbeck Burning Bright
John Steinbeck Sweet Thursday
John Steinbeck The Winter of Our Discontent
John Steinbeck R Travels with Charley in Search of America
Sterne R Tristram Shandy
Wallace Stevens Collected Poetry and Prose
William Makepeace Thackeray Vanity Fair
Dylan Thomas Under Milk Wood
Dylan Thomas Collected Poems
Dylan Thomas Collected Stories
Leo Tolstoy R Anna Karenina
Leo Tolstoy War and Peace
Leo Tolstoy R Great Short Works (including The Cossacks, The Death of Ivan Ilych, The Devil and The Kreutzer Sonata)
John Kennedy Toole R A Confederacy of Dunces
Anthony Trollope The Warden & Barchester Towers
Anthony Trollope The Way We Live Now
Mark Twain Unabridged Twain vol 1. (including The Innocents Abroad, R Tom Sawyer, R Huck Finn, The Prince & the Pauper, A Connecticut Yankee in King Arthur's Court)
Mark Twain Unabridged Twain vol 2. (including The Tragedy of Pudd'nhead Wilson, R Life on the Mississippi, R Extracts from Adam's Diary & Eve's Diary, and Roughing It)
Mark Twain The Gilded Age and Later Novels (including The American Claimant; Tom Sawyer Abroad; Tom Sawyer, Detective; No. 44, The Mysterious Stranger)
Thrity Umrigar Bombay Time
John Updike The Rabbit novels (Rabbit Run; Rabbit Redux; Rabbit is Rich; and Rabbit at Rest)
John Updike The Afterlife
Constance Urdang R The Lone Woman
Constance Urdang R Only the World
Constance Urdang R Alternative Lives
Mario Vargas Llosa R The Green House
Virgil The Aeneid
Ivan Vladislavic R The Restless Supermarket
Ivan Vladislavic The Exploded View
Ivan Vladislavic Propaganda by Monuments
Elizabeth Von Arnim The Enchanted April
Kurt Vonnegut Novels & Stories 1950-62 (Player Piano; R The Sirens of Titan; Mother Night)
Kurt Vonnegut Novels & Stories 1963-1973 (R Cat's Cradle; God Bless You, Mr. Rosewater; R Slaughterhouse-Five; Breakfast of Champions)
Edith Wharton The Age of Innocence
Evelyn Waugh Brideshead Revisited
Evelyn Waugh Vile Bodies
Evelyn Waugh Black Mischief
Evelyn Waugh Scoop
Evelyn Waugh The Loved One
Evelyn Waugh The Ordeal of Gilbert Pinfold
Edmund White Trilogy (A Boy's Own Story, The Beautiful Room Is Empty, and The Farewell Symphony)
Edmund White Skinned Alive
Walt Whitman R Leaves of Grass
John Edgar Wideman The Stories of J.E. Wideman
Tennessee Williams Collected Stories
Tennessee Williams R In the Winter of Cities
William Carlos Williams In the American Grain
William Carlos Williams Selected Poems
Tom Wolfe Bonfire of the Vanities
Maritta Wolff Night Shift
Maritta Wolff Sudden Rain
Maritta Wolff Whistle Stop
V. Woolf R Mrs. Dalloway
V. Woolf R To the Lighthouse
Wordsworth The Prelude and other Poems
James Wright Above the River: Complete Poems
Richard Yates Collected Stories
W.B. Yeats R The Poems of Yeats
Yictove R D.J. Soliloquy
Sol Yurick R The Bag
Stefan Zweig The Post Office Girl
Stefan Zweig The World of Yesterday
Stefan Zweig Selected Stories
Zukofsky A
Zukofsky Complete Shorter Poetry

So it appears to be 82/203 or approximately 40% for the last batch. This makes a grand total of 265/713 or just over 37% as of today.  The drama is actually harder to count precisely, but was around 150 items.  Certainly if I add in the books in boxes (and by/under the bed) this pushes the literature well over 1000.  So I still have some slimming down to do. 

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