
Saturday, October 26, 2013

Progress through Proust

Can I paste a widget?  (Sorry -- apologies to Marvin Gaye)

I know there has to be a more elegant way of doing this -- I really wanted something like a large thermometer where I could customize each tick with the book title and page count, but I'll just settle for something that works... Still not sure I will get all the way through this opus, but this is where I shall track my progress to date.*

X Swann's Way  
Pages: 462
Read: 462
(Note: have finally completed Swann in Love!)

X Within a Budding Grove
Pages: 556
Read: 556
(Note: am done with Madame Swann at Home.)

X The Guermantes Way
Pages: 620
Read: 620

X Cities of the Plain (Sodom and Gomorrah)
Pages: 549
Read: 549

X The Captive
Pages: 422
Read: 422

X The Fugitive
Pages: 284
Read: 284
(Albertine's gone.  Ohh nooo.)

X Time Regained
Pages: 401
Read: 401

Done at last, done at last!  Can hardly believe I am done at last! 

(Ok, very inappropriate, I know.  But I do feel freed from having this burden lifted.  Now the sensible thing to do would be to take even a quarter of this effort and use it to become a "real" writer, the same way the Narrator does in the last 50 pages or so of Time Regained.) 

* It's kind of fascinating that 90% or so of the pages discussing these progress meters are all tied back to NaNoWriMo (National (November) Novel Writing Month).  I guess I could take that as a Sign (or at least a sign that November is nearly upon us), but I am not going to tackle a novel (in a month!) this year and probably not next year either.  Just too many other tasks I am too far behind on.  Still I will set some manageable goals of writing more (and surfing the web less), probably starting with resurrecting my broken sestina series.

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