
Thursday, June 5, 2014

Magical Baltimore Tour

I still haven't quite followed up on my promise to write about my trip to Baltimore, with a side trip to D.C. during the deluge at the end of April.  However, I have finally downloaded the photos off my phone.  Sunday morning I had a bit of time before the conference proper started, and I did a lot of walking around Baltimore.  I also had time to get to both the Walters Art Museum and the Baltimore Museum of Art.  I'm almost positive it was the first time around for the Walters, as I would have remembered all the crazy stairs and hidden rooms.  I'll be writing a bit more about this in an upcoming blog.

What was interesting to me about the photos from this long walk is how distorted a few came out.  I have a kind of lousy camera-phone and if I am not completely still, the images blur a bit.  Sometimes in creative ways, as I will demonstrate.  I swear none of these images has been retouched or Photo-shopped.

Fortunately, most of the photos were a bit more polished or at least less distorted, but I found these a bit amusing.  I will have to look into getting a better phone soon, or at least taking my real camera around with me on these outings.

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