
Thursday, July 24, 2014

Toronto v. Vancouver

I am really struggling to find any time to update my blog.  As much as I would like to, setting up the house and unpacking boxes (and heck, even work) are the higher priorities right now.

Anyway, a few initial impressions after making the switch.  The art scene is definitely better here, though it doesn't really kick in until the fall.  But no matter what, it will be easier to get to arts events in Toronto.

Garbage/recycling.  I didn't think I would ever think the Vancouver garbage cans were roomy, but the standard size ones in Toronto are just absurdly small.  I may have to work out a deal with the landlord to pay more to upgrade one size.  I like how recycling is slightly less onerous than in Vancouver (and more items are eligible for recycling), but I don't like how it is only collected every two weeks, as opposed to every week in Vancouver.

Traffic is pretty bad in Toronto, particularly in the downtown.  Cycling could be so much better here (at least in non-winter months) but the paths are not continuous.  Bike parking is incredibly scarce in Toronto (wait lists of over a year for bike lockers in the downtown) and building managers are pretty resistant to doing anything about it (in contrast to both Chicago and Vancouver where a strong nudge from City Hall has made building managers rethink their position).  Nonetheless, a big cycle centre is supposed to open up (this fall?) at City Hall, despite Mayor Ford's opposition.  That will help me out a fair bit.  I'm actually not able to ride at least for another week, since I need a shed or something put up in my back yard.  I have nowhere at all to store the bike, aside from my basement, and I can definitely see breaking my neck trying to get the bike up and down those stairs on a routine basis.  So one more thing to deal with.

I would say libraries and community centres seem relatively underfunded in Toronto (again, a victim of the right-wing ideology that tends to dominate city council), and that is unfortunate.

For me personally, transit is way better in Toronto than in Vancouver, but part of that is where we chose to live relative to work.  I do think the subway is appallingly over-crowded during rush hour and strive to avoid it.  I also think the TTC transfer policy is stupid and unfair compared to Chicago or Vancouver.  And the monthly and annual passes are overpriced.  I'm not going to buy a pass, particularly once I do start biking.  But on the whole, the transit experience works for me.

That's it for now.  Hopefully I can get around to some reviews this weekend.

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