
Sunday, August 31, 2014

Long weekend

So this weekend, we are not traveling out of town.  It is nice to be more or less settled.  While I have a bit of real work to try to accomplish (and some work-related "stretch goals" that I have pretty much already decided I won't make), I should be able to get a fair bit done on the living room on Sunday.  Then I will still have Monday to take the kids to the CN Tower and probably the ROM, if they behave themselves.

Saturday was basically a fun day, with some spoilers at the very end.  However, with a bit of distance, I shall mostly remember the good aspects.

We went to the library around 10.  In some ways, the timing was pretty good, as we waited out a short but powerful shower.  That cleared up fairly quickly and we set out for Casa Loma.  The kids seemed to like it, particularly my daughter, who kept saying how much she would like to live there!  We wandered around for quite a bit and took photos on the patio.  If the weather holds, I am actually probably going to be going back on Wed. for an evening concert.  So twice in one week after not being back for probably 15 years or more.  There's really not much to say about it, other than my daughter was completely horrified to hear that Toronto or perhaps the province nationalized the electric company he owned.  (Apparently, I did garble this a bit.  They broke up a monopoly he had on providing electricity via the Toronto Electric Light Company, but it isn't entirely clear how they went about it.  It seems that there was a referendum that allowed a provincially-owned company to compete with the private firm.  This firm became Toronto Hydro, which many feel operates like a monopoly today.)

We splurged out a bit and let them have ice cream cones before the walk back to the subway.  So a pretty nice visit all in all.

Back home, I was quite upset to find that when I went to pick up some Chinese take-out, they were cash only.  In fact, I double-checked the menu, and it does not say cash only.  So I got doubly ripped off, since the only ATM nearby was one a very dodgy mom and pop convenience store.  Given that the food is only ok, and not as good as I had hoped, that is probably the tipping point. I am not planning on going back and will have to find another local Chinese place.  There is just a limit to the inconvenience I will put up with, and cash only is a step too far.

And the house has been invaded by the bugs I will not name (too icky).  So that definitely put a damper on the day.  I don't really feel like discussing it further.  I suppose I had better get a bit more rest now to handle the various indoor activities on Sunday.

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