
Thursday, August 7, 2014

Looking way forward - 2014/15 Season

I know it is ridiculous how I can't quite seem to get around to reviewing a couple of museum exhibits or three Canadian novels (and a bunch of poetry collections).  In my defense, I am still looking for the Modernism in the Pacific Northwest catalogue, which would help me finish up one review.  Second, until I finish putting the desk together, it is extremely difficult to lay here on the floor and type up long blog posts, so somewhat shorter is better.

Anyway, I will use this post to try to keep track of longer term things I'd like to see, both locally and out of town.  (Some of the theatre listings are being brought forward from this post.) I probably won't use it to keep track of TSO concerts unless they are very special (like Yo-Yo Ma coming to town May 29, 2015 -- Holst's The Planets is also on the bill, so I probably ought to get my tickets for that soon).  I'm not sure whether Beethoven Symphony 9 counts as special, but that is coming up  quite soon (late Sept.), so I have to decide if I want to go.  I'm probably going to skip Messiah (again) unless there is a cheaper more family-oriented version, which there sometimes is.  I do like how so many churches are pressed into service by some of these smaller outfits, and I might go to see Thomas Tallis' Spem in alium in such a space on April 3.

So without too much further ado:

August 2014
Tartuffe - Soulpepper

Sept. 2014
The Importance of Being Earnest - Hart House (mostly if my son is interested)
Tartuffe - The Crucible

Oct. 2014
Trip to Chicago to see some theatre and catch the last weekend of the Magritte exhibition at the Art Institute.  (Unfortunately, we would just miss The City Lost and Found: Capturing New York, Chicago, and Los Angeles,which runs through mid Jan.  In the somewhat unlikely event we go back to Chicago a second time that closely spaced together, I will make sure to go)

Nov. 2014
Tom Stoppard's Arcadia (the Shaw Festival version is being transferred here)

Dec. 2014
Helen Frankenthaler exhibit at Albright-Knox (Buffalo) (I guess I'll give it another chance).  

Jan. 2015
TRB meeting in D.C. (maybe a side trip to Philly this time rather than New York, which has become a bit of a routine)

Feb 2015
Yankee Tavern @ American Blues Theatre, Chicago (though March) -- probably just wishful thinking.  (Apparently the play was produced in London, Ont. last season but hasn't made it to Toronto as far as I know.)
Toronto - East Side Players - Andrew Bovell's Speaking in Tongues (though March)
Brooklyn Academy of Music - O'Neill's The Iceman Cometh (through March though tickets will be a bear to get).

March 2015
Diego Rivera and Frida Kahlo in Detroit @ the DIA (this runs through mid July and will be a good excuse to go to Detroit if we haven't made it before then -- it might even be the spring break trip).
Lanford Wilson's Balm in Gilead - Ryerson (not entirely sure I want to see this (I passed up a chance to see it at Langara in Vancouver, but I might go)
Christopher Durang's Vanya and Sonia and Masha and Spike - Mirvish Productions (what an odd thing for Mirvish to be putting on; incidentally, Goodman in Chicago is also doing this play this season).
Harper Regan - Canadian Stage Company -- I'll probably pass on this, having seen it in Chicago a few years back.

April 2015
Thomas Tallis/John Tavener - Mendelssohn Choir
Yankee Tavern (in Vancouver) - now this is pretty ironic...

May 2015
Lanford Wilson's Talley's Folly (in London, ON) (while I would prefer to watch Fifth of July first, that doesn't look like it is in the cards)

Aug. 2015
ASA meeting in Chicago (I think I will see about making this an extended stay, working out of a satellite office in Chicago.  I'd also like to get to the Milwaukee Art Museum in part to check out the Treasures of the Albright Knox Museum that we didn't get to see last weekend -- ironic.)

Shaw's 2015 season has just been announced and there are a few interesting plays, but the must-see for me is a new play by Tony Kushner!  I'm so there. 

In the near future, I'd like to get back to Ottawa, Boston, St. Louis, Minneapolis (with the family if possible to most of these) and Cleveland (basically by myself).  I'm not sure there are any upcoming events that would really inspire me to go to one sooner than the other.  When the kids are a bit older (and more appreciative), we will look into Philadelphia and D.C.

One thing that I just noticed is the these potential trips to the U.S. are spaced out very evenly.  My passport expires at the end of April, so I will have to plan this very carefully.  Right now it looks like if I renewed early (say late October) that might be for the best, but it would mean not seeing my family in North Carolina around Thanksgiving.  Drat.  I'll have to double-check processing times and the fees to expedite passport handling. (It looks like I might actually be able to do this by mail rather than booking an appointment at the U.S. embassy.  That would be sweet.)

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