
Saturday, August 9, 2014

Nearly set up

Well, one day too late to prevent catastrophe, but I have the computer set up downstairs (and the internet works, which was a pretty major concern).  I still need to make a few adjustments, as it still isn't very comfortable to type (and the better keyboard needs a bit of repair -- it also was damaged when the monitor fell on it).  Once I figure that out, I should be able to write more (both blogs and some creative writing), particularly as I am feeling that I want to cut way, way back on all other kinds of internet activity.

I kind of wish I had taken some time-lapse photos of filling up the garage and then filling up and emptying this basement.  I do have a few photos showing the process (and progress) that I will try to add in the next day or so.

I'm feeling a little stuck though, as even if I manage to get half of the remaining boxes up on the shelves, I still have a large number that don't have anywhere to go.  We really do need a bigger storage area.  I think what will have to happen is that the random junk will have to go into better, stronger boxes, then that will go under the Christmas decorations under the stairs.  That's about the only thing I can think of.  But it's definitely going to be a challenge.  I think I really do need to commit to getting rid of another box or two of CDs and DVDs -- and to keep working on my plan of reading books and then donating them if they aren't "keepers."  I have gotten only marginally better at not buying new things -- I've slowed down but not completely stopped.

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