
Sunday, September 28, 2014

Before there were blogs, pt. 2 (teaser only)

I guess this is truly just a teaser, but it is so disappointing to find that the scanning is so hit or miss.  On the last attempt it went through pretty cleanly.  This time around -- a quite lengthy discussion of what it was like to be a teacher in Newark as the state was preparing to take over, mixed in with a discussion of a poetry reading I was involved in and some slightly shorter discussions of poets I was reading at the time -- absolutely none of it was processed through the OCR conversion process.  I'm glad I have it down.  I remember doing these things, but through a veil.  Reading what I wrote at the time makes it return so much more vividly (and of course I wish I had written even more about those times). While I can certainly retype all of it, I wonder if it is worth trying to track down the old hard drive that had my Mac files (I was still using a Mac at that time) and if any of that was converted over.  The good news is that I can still read the scan perfectly well, and I'm still a fairly good typist (I actually made a pretty good living as a temp in my summers off and then for a whole year between University of Toronto and Northwestern University).  But it is a lot of typing, and I am definitely not up for that tonight.  I will come back to this in a week or so (if I haven't turned up the old files) and then I'll post the full account from the journal.  So stay tuned.

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