
Sunday, December 14, 2014

You can blame it on me

As I mentioned, the Barenaked Ladies have started doing an acoustic version of Blame It On Me.  I suspect they did it in concert first and then decided it went so well that they rerecorded the stripped down version for Odds Are.  Here is a little peek into the recording sessions, and here is a pretty good live version from a couple of years ago (with the TSO no less).  I don't think the Thurs/Fri concerts have made their way to YouTube yet, but I'll keep an eye out.

While this is only a fairly simple pop song about love, there is something so important about taking responsibility for ones actions.  It isn't fun, but it is more adult, and I do sort of pride myself on taking responsibility -- most of the time.

I'm quite frustrated that I missed my window to get to Buffalo, but there truly is no one to blame but myself.  I stayed up way too late reading and blogging and finishing making the holiday cards.  A few years ago I probably would have managed to wake myself up on only a few hours of sleep (and indeed the bus to Seattle left at really ungodly hours -- there are a few slightly more reasonable times to catch the Greyhound to Buffalo, though the 8 am slot is probably the best).  If I had gotten up 15 minutes earlier, I still would have had a shot at the 9:15 bus, but given the poor travel conditions, I might not have made it.  I suspect that given I was waiting until the last, last minute to reserve a seat on the bus, at the back of my mind I knew I wasn't going to make it.  The weather looks kind of the same for next weekend, but I will make the effort to get out.  I think I only have 3 more weeks before the show at the Albright-Knox Museum closes.

So I'll post a couple of pictures of Toronto covered in snow, as I might as well take the opportunity to try to wrap up Christmas shopping this weekend, so I don't feel quite so low and frustrated with myself, even though I have to take the blame for Buffalo.  (As I am trying to rationalize last night, I can tell myself that I didn't actually lose any money and I avoided a lot of football traffic, which might have made the border a dicey proposition, even on the bus.  But I am only partly succeeding...)

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