
Monday, February 9, 2015

Short Takes #3

This really will be (slightly) shorter than the others.

I finally decided to get tickets for The Tragically Hip for a week from Thurs.  There are still a few seats left.  Even though reports at that Gord is behaving particularly erratically, the music is still great, and they are supposedly playing the entire Fully Completely CD, along with other songs.  Should be a good show, but probably the last one I go to.

In general, I am finding it harder to stay awake at concerts, particularly classical ones.  (Staying awake probably won't be a problem at the Hip show.)  There is just something about the darkened lights and everyone being extremely hushes and reverential, that unless the music particularly gripping, I start dozing off.  I'll have to take this into consideration and try to make more matinees or concerts with stirring music.  And also try to be somewhat more rested before these concerts.

While I had rested a bit on Saturday, I never did take an actual nap.  I ran off to check out the Target liquidation sale, then went over to the Harbourfront to get my tickets for a Wednesday evening show: All Our Happy Days Are Stupid. (I had pre-ordered but was worried that something was wrong with the order, as I never got a confirmation email.)  I also bought a ticket for The Object Lesson, which is a one-man show about going through the contents of an attic and recalling one's life based on these material leavings (or something along those lines).  Whether it will inspire me to clean out more (now that we have to start thinking of packing again!) or impede me is hard to say.

Here are a couple of photos of what is on at the Billy Bishop Artport.

The first is a Magritte-inspired wallpaper covering an entire interior wall.  The second was one that really inspired my daughter, but you have to see it in person to watch the butterflies take off or the rabbit skin shake.

After that, I put in about an hour at work before the concert.  I really did enjoy the Brahms Double Concerto, even though I came close to dozing off a couple of times.  Often for me, I finally am awake for the 2nd half of the concert, but even though Yefim Bronfman playing was fine and it opened with a fine horn solo, I found Brahms' 2nd Piano Concerto to be a total snoozefest, metaphorically and literally.  I won't bother to see this again.  And that was pretty much it.  For the first time ever, I went straight over to the subway (rather than another pit stop at work) and it was so crowded.

I think those are the main highlights.  It looks like we are being spared another major snowstorm on its way to wallop Boston, and in general, we are only getting some light snow this week.  The real issue is that it will not warm up (no days above freezing for the next two weeks apparently!) and the snow isn't going anywhere.

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