
Thursday, April 23, 2015

Dreading moving day

I realize there has been a lot going on recently, both at work and trying to keep up with writing and even dealing with taxes, but I am not remotely ready to start moving.  I think a big part of the problem is there is literally nowhere to put anything in this house.  When the books are in boxes, they take up the entire basement.  If we had a garage like we did in Vancouver, then I would have started filling it up already.  Basically, I just cannot see getting serious about this until closing day (about two weeks off now) and then I'll get started for real, though that is quite late as these things go.  We already decided to move through May and most of June, and I'll have to see how things are going to set a drop-dead deadline to bring in movers for the furniture.  We're hoping to move everything else ourselves, and we have done this in the past with in-town moves.

But I do have a few too many obligations in May to commit fully to this scheme, and the movers may end up packing the last of our stuff.  It also depends on how much painting I finally commit to doing in the new place, plus the fact that renting a ZipCar to move over a bunch of boxes each evening is going to add up, though probably it still will be less than what the movers would charge.  So I am not really looking forward to this.  (At least this should be the last move for 15+ years.)  I guess at this point I just can't do anything substantial until the house closes, so I might as well wrap up taxes now and get that off my mind at least.

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