
Friday, April 17, 2015

Murray Geister - Curious web comic

I have just returned from Regina, which explains (or largely explains) my lack of posting.  I have at least one or two posts that I am considering writing, but I am going to wait a little while longer and decide if I still want to post in the morning, as it were.

I found Regina kind of small and a bit lacking in cultural amenities.  On the other hand, the food was a bit better than I had expected with quite a nice wrap place, and a decent Thai place and perhaps most surprising a good (though not amazing) Ethiopian restaurant.  (The airport food was pretty dire, but still a slight step up from the Saskatoon airport.)  One thing I wasn't expecting was just how much dust there was floating about.  There was a layer of dust over almost everything downtown.

I'm a bit surprised that Regina supports two free weekly papers, with Prairie Dog being a bit more interesting than the other one.  In fact, it appears that we were just in time to see the launch of a new alternative comic called Murray Geister, which is about an older man who investigates paranormal activities, but most of the time realizes there is nothing there.  I think this link (Geister) should work to check out the comic and see if it keeps getting updated on a weekly basis.  The artist, Dakota McFadzean, thinks the first arc of the story will go for 20-30 panels and then he'll decide whether to continue or ditch it.  It's kind of quirky so far, so I think I'll add it to the relatively short list of webcomics that I follow.

We had just a bit of time to kill Thurs, so we wandered around the downtown.  Regina actually has a fair number of tall buildings, many of which appear to have been built in the late 60s in a kind of concrete brutalism.  I did, however, like this sort of curved building which houses the SaskPower utility.

I liked this statue on the City Hall grounds.  It is celebrating immigrants and their contribution to Saskatchewan.

This sculpture of an elephant was right next to the main Public Library.

We continued out to the lake and the nearby park (with the legislative building in the background).

It was still a bit too early to head to the airport, so we went to the Royal Saskatchewan Museum, which had a handful of dinosaur skeletons, though not nearly as many actual fossils (as opposed to reconstructions) as I had hoped.

We burst out laughing when one of the habitat displays talked about the wide variety of landscapes in Saskatchewan; it's sort of like flat, flatter and flattest.  Anyway, I picked up a few things for the kids, so the trip inside was worth it on those grounds alone.

That is pretty much it for the trip.  I had to work far harder than I had hoped and only read a bit on the plane going home, so I am a bit behind where I thought I would be.  (I'm halfway through Williams' !Click Song, and didn't even crack The Burn.)  That's all I'll write about the trip for now.

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