
Saturday, May 30, 2015

Toronto events on short notice

I am gathering up quite a few longer term events for a post in the very near future, but I thought I had better share two things that come to an end this weekend, so get in while you can, if you can.  I've generally been doing a good job of getting to the strong Toronto offerings and seeing most of what is worth seeing (though I decided against Liver at Storefront just a while back and am generally not second-guessing that decision too much).  As I mentioned just a while back, there is a lot of Shakespeare on view this summer (and I just learned that Driftwood is coming through town with their bus tour of Hamlet--and this time around they are going to be at Withrow Park, so I think I probably will go to that, since it is literally just down the street from our new place, even though I am seeing Hamlet at Stratford).

Anyway, I haven't heard much about the Othello, but I am going to Macbeth, and it just got a rave review here, so the streak continues.*  Even better, they somehow have compressed the text, so the whole thing is 90 minutes.  That could be quite interesting.  It is playing on the Alumnae Theatre stage, and I believe there are only three shows left -- matinees Sat. and Sunday and an evening show on Sat., which is the one I am attending.  So act now (or wait 'til next season when another company does their take on the Scottish play).

I was also looking into art galleries.  I've been doing well getting out to AGO, and have my eye on some free dates at ROM, but I kind of let MOCCA fall off my radar.  Well, there are a couple of  interesting photography shows that close this weekend.  It will be tricky for me to make it, but perhaps I can swing by Sunday afternoon.  (I guess it depends if I am as productive moving and doing stuff at the new house as I expect to be tomorrow.  Then I can tell myself I deserve a "break," especially if it ends up with me putting in an hour or two at work, which is what usually happens when I head downtown on the weekend.)

So sorry for the short notice, and I'll try to get to this post up listing things that I think are worthy, so there is a bit more advance warning.

* There have been a few so-so plays, but mostly I've been at good to very good productions.  I can think of only two plays that I outright hated -- Tartuffe and All Our Happy Days Are Stupid.  While Toronto still lags Chicago just a bit, it is miles ahead of so many other places in terms of theatrical offerings.  I truly could go to one or two different productions each week.  It's quite amazing, and perhaps I'll even get somewhat integrated into the community and have some of my work produced, though I need to get serious about these rewrites...

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