
Friday, June 5, 2015

The Move (t-minus 16 days and counting)

The movers are scheduled.  It's starting to feel real...

The painting is done, although I did say I would try to touch up a couple of closets with primer.  I might do that Sunday.  I actually had to clean up a bunch of edges where the tape actually tore the paint off the wall!  And yet, the paint still leaked onto the woodwork in many places.  So I feel the tape ended up being pretty poor quality, and probably not worth the effort I putting into it.  Also, I won't use Behr paint again.  Fortunately, the downstairs office where I will spend far more of my time came out looking pretty good.

I have someone coming by to help a bit with some electrical work, and I hope to have a handyman or contractor (that handles small projects) stop by next week.  I've stapled down an extension cord to make sure I can actually use the office, and now I can start loading up the bookcases and so forth to get the boxes out of the living room (so that we can actually get the furniture into the house).  While this is still a pretty overwhelming task, I can get it done in time, though I may have to spend a couple of nights at the new place, which is why it was so important to get the futon over there early.

The plan for tomorrow is to get the car and move over another bunch of random boxes in the basement, and ideally empty the big metal rack so I can move that over there as well, or at least some key components to see if it will actually fit.  I have a sinking feeling that the rack and the final bookcase will be just slightly too tall for the very cramped basement.  We've kind of already decided that for the first year or more, the basement is just going to be a place to store boxes and sort stuff out and won't be really used for family games or anything like that.  That would have to take place in the living room.  Of course, if a contractor does come over instead that would throw off my plans substantially.

I am so looking forward to July when the worst is over and I can start enjoying Toronto again...

Update: The metal rack will just fit, though I am not entirely sure I have enough space to swing it into place.  The bookcase has another couple of inches of clearance, though it still won't be easy to maneuver.  I have to decide exactly where they are going, since these things won't be moving much at all after they are up.  In fact, I had an idea where they would go, and the bookcase would block a light in one case and access to the electrical panel in another case.  I have another idea that might work, but I have to go and measure things tomorrow.  I'm still a bit nervous if the desk will fit where it is supposed to go, but I think it will make it.  I may have to sand down some molding though.  Unfortunately, the desk is one of the last things that will be delivered, so I have to decide ahead of time what to do.

I probably ought to get a bit more real work done tonight, since tomorrow will mostly be spent at the new house, rearranging boxes and putting a few things up on shelves. 

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