
Sunday, July 5, 2015

Being reasonable (again)

Even though my main goal is wrapping up the common areas of the house and making them presentable, I also want to spend some time with the kids before they head off to a long sojourn in Chicago this summer. I took the kids to the ROM, since it was a free weekend for AGO members (I guess they do this once or twice a year), and after a bit of arm-twisting, I got my daughter to agree to see the Pompeii exhibit.  I'll write more about that separately.  I had thought pretty seriously about taking them to the Science Centre and Inside Out, but frankly I have been overdoing it and slept in a bit later than I expected.  So we just went to the movies.  I enjoyed Inside Out quite a bit, though it is quite emotionally manipulative.  I wouldn't say it is the best Pixar film ever (like quite a few critics have), but it's probably in my top 5.

I was sort of shocked to see these great big letters right next to a TTC yard, since that it how I refer to this blog in shorthand.  I actually made sure we walked past on the way back, so I could get some better photos.  That actually paid off, as the next streetcar going west came out of the yard, and if we had been waiting back by the movie theatre, it would have been quite a long wait.

Next weekend, there is a moderate chance that I will take the kids to see Minions, and I'll probably take them to the Science Centre on Sunday.  That is much better pacing than trying to get everything all done at once.

In terms of me being a bit more reasonable for myself.  I had a chance to sign up to be a reviewer for the Toronto Fringe.  It was quite tempting, but I would have had to go to quite a few shows last week, and I just don't think I could actually have fit them in.  Maybe it's something I can consider next year, but that will depend a great deal on how work is going.  Summers are generally extra busy for some reason.

I'm just not really feeling the Fringe this year.  I decided to go see The Merry Wives of Windsor, though I kind of goofed a bit.  I settled on Tuesday, since it is the evening most likely to rain, and I won't be losing out on a day to bike to work (finally I have my bike back!).  But that is also the day I was going to get the van to get any lumber the handyman needed for the mini-construction project.  I thought about trying to shuffle things around, but really I think it makes the most sense for him to buy what he thinks he needs, and I'll just pay the excess charges.  Again, trying to be a bit more reasonable.  Still, thinking ahead to all this work down in the basement, tomorrow evening I have to hang up the tarp under the deck, tired or not.  Otherwise, there won't be anywhere to put the bikes and this spare file cabinet.  (I really have to lean on these folks to come by and pick it up.  I can't have it in my basement for much longer.  And I guess I have no option but to put this bookcase up on Craigslist to see if I can get someone to take it away.  If no one bites, it is going out with the construction waste at the end of the week.)

To add to all the Shakespeare, I'll be taking my son to Comedy of Errors in High Park this Friday (the weather looks decent).  I think my daughter is still another year or two away from being able to appreciate something like this.

Now there is also a promising looking Twelfth Night (at the Fringe) as a late matinee this Sunday, but I've seen that quite a few times.  I might see if my son responded well to Comedy of Errors and potentially take him (so we'd really have to make sure we had an early start to get to the Science Centre!).  However, I think I will probably pass unless this happens to be one of the Pick of the Fringe shows, and then I'll catch it a bit later, though I will have to travel up north a fair bit.  So I guess that is being somewhat reasonable, but it's a bit of a stretch.

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