
Monday, July 13, 2015

Quick Summer Shakespeare follow-up: 1 more Twelfe Night

This really will be quite the Shakespearean season, or season and a half for me.  If you stretch back to late spring I saw or will soon see:
Much Ado About Nothing (Tarragon)
The Merry Wives of Windsor
The Comedy of Errors
Twelfth Night
Julius Caesar
Love's Labour's Lost
The Taming of the Shrew

Given that most of the histories bore me and I am not that keen on the minor tragedies, I believe I truly have seen all his plays that interest me at least once, and I am closing in on 2 times around the cycle.

Anyway, the breaking news is that there will be one more showing of the Fringe production of Twelfe Night at St. Vlad's (620 Spadina) on Thurs. July 16 at 8 pm.  Alehouse Theatre Company (ATC) are doing it as pay-what-you-wish, so you might see it for free or nearly free, though this event is certainly worth at least $15 or $20.

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