
Monday, August 10, 2015

The Tall Building @ SummerWorks

I was going to wait until tonight to write this post, but I enjoyed The Tall Building quite a bit, and it turns out there is a showing today (Monday) at 5:15, so I might as well promote it right now, and then circle back around and fill in more thoughts tonight.  If you can't make the show Monday right after work, there are four more shows between Wed. and Sunday.  Details here.

There is a basic NNN review at Now, and a more thoughtful review at Mooney's.

Probably my favourite aspect of the show was the kid's obsession with 7-11.  I found these pretty fascinating growing up in the 'burbs, as they were one of the few things open late at night, which became kind of critical as my curfew got longer and I started driving.  In the city, the appeal of 7-11 and White Hen (kind of a Chicago thing) diminished slightly, though there was one on Belmont that always fascinated me, as it had a big parking lot (kind of rare for that close to the subway).  I always imagined aliens coming to land at that particular one.  In fact, I thought that Corporate Codes was going to be the story of aliens at that 7-11, but it went in a completely different direction (probably for the best).

Ok, I really do have to run now, but I'll fill in a few more thoughts on The Tall Building tonight.

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