
Sunday, September 27, 2015

Cosmic letdowns

I think I am going to swear off sky-watching for good.  We had a solid week of clear skies, and then tonight when it is a supermoon lunar eclipse, the skies are so overcast I can't even tell with certainty where the moon is in the sky.  I'm so f'ing bummed and sick of this.  Everytime there was supposed to be some major meteor shower it was overcast as well.  I'm done with it.  It is just one more disappointment on what has been a pretty difficult and unpleasant weekend for me. 

I might as well turn the page and try to enjoy my upcoming trip to Halifax and Charlottetown.  In fact, if I was smart, I would go to bed right now, so that I don't oversleep and miss my early morning flight.

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