
Monday, September 7, 2015

My playlet performed tonight at Sing-for-Your-Supper (Sept. 7)

I just got the news that at tonight's Sing-for-Your-Supper, they will be putting on Wet.  I'm excited, though I don't think this is as good as some of the other pieces I have written, though this one is quirkier, which is probably why it was chosen. But I'm sure it will be a fun night, and I may meet actors who are game to do my pieces next year.

It's at the Storefront Theatre @ 955 Bloor Street West, Toronto, starting at 8.  If you are an actor looking to do one of the cold readings (they generally do 6 or 7 of these pieces), you should show up at 7.

I went back and saw that I had success back in Feb., and I have either not written, or missed the deadline, or just not made the cut since then.  That's a bit of dry spell (sorry -- inside joke regarding Wet).

It's very difficult to tell how these things play themselves out, but I am not expecting to get attached to Red One in a professional sense.  I just have a slightly different sensibility, though I do admire their can-do indy spirit.

This fall, I think my highest priority should be to clean up my two finished plays and then shop them around a bit.  After that, I will finish up the play that spawned Straying South (the piece they did back in Feb.).  Then probably The Study Group.  And finally, Lester's Last Testament.  That is a pretty massive undertaking.  If that all comes together, I will start seriously considering putting together an e-book, drawing on the best posts from this blog.  In that case it will basically just be editing, as the core of the content is already there.  Goodness knows I have plenty to choose from, since I just passed 500 posts(!), though probably all of the art-related ones will be dumped due to copyright restrictions.

Anyway, hope to see some folks there.


It was a good time.  My piece went on last.  By this time several of the actors were a bit loose, and they played it pretty broad for laughs, but that's fine.  I think one or two bits got swallowed up, but overall it went over well, especially the last bit with this woman (playing a homeless man) pretending to paddle by in a canoe.  The word I heard most often was zany, and that's sort of what I was going for.  I liked the two other comic pieces but wasn't quite as interested in the slightly more serious pieces.

I probably should try to set aside time and go more often, even if I don't have a piece on.  I was really hoping to see a few folks, including Clair, but I think the fact it was a holiday weekend meant many were out of town (or not aware that SFYS was on).  I guess if I am really trying to track down a few specific actors I will have to try to make it a few more times.  Maybe in the end I will write that piece about aliens coming to the 7-11.

It finally rained, and the heat has largely dissapated.  I guess we'll see how it is later today.  I will go ahead and claim that I have summoned it (there is a huge rain storm and the dam bursts at the end of Wet).  I have to run now though.

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