
Sunday, September 6, 2015

Post 500 - Blais Mad Shadows give-away

If I had known just how close to post 500 I was, I probably would have arranged to make that long post covering the rest of the Chicago trip post #500.  However, I lost count.  Then I was planning on making the review of Tom Stoppard's The Coast of Utopia post #500, but I have misplaced the notebook with some notes I made at that time, so that will have to wait another day or two.  Finally, I decided on another book give-away to mark the occasion.

I have a gently used though slightly yellowed copy of Mad Shadows by Marie-Claire Blais.  This is the third reprinting of the book with the original cover design in the New Canadian Library series.  (This blog is an amazing resource for those interested in finding out more about the New Canadian Library!)  I will be giving this book away on Sept. 25 (for free).

The competition is open to residents of Canada or the U.S.  (I would consider shipping elsewhere, but the shipping would be at cost.)  To qualify for the competition, you must provide (in the comments section) a link to a review you have posted of a book by Blais or another female writer associated with Quebec: Gabrielle Roy, Judith Thompson, etc.  (Mavis Gallant is a stretch but I will allow it.)

The book will be awarded randomly from among those who qualify by Sept. 24.  I do reserve the right to amend the rules of the competition if an insufficient number of entrants are received by Sept. 20.  (Perhaps if you can build a strong case for why you want to read Mad Shadows but haven't done so yet or why your interest in Quebec writers is on the rise.)

Hope to hear from interested readers soon.  There are 18 days to respond, counting today.

Bonne chance!

Update: I will lower the bar and open the competition to anyone (in Canada or US) interested in the book.  You will still need to explain in the comments why you are interested in the book.  Also, the deadline will be extended to Oct. 2.

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