
Monday, November 2, 2015

Change of plans

Well, I am so incredibly frustrated tonight that I am very close to breaking my no flouncing rule.  It turns out that Red One/Storefront only sometimes updates the Red One Facebook page and more accurate information is on their Storefront page.  Also, the moderator of Sing-for-Your-Supper has shifted to a new email address, so my previous messages were not read, and thus, I was not tipped off that the date had changed to next Tuesday (obviously quite a shift from first Monday of the month!).  I honestly don't know when this was announced, but I think just a few days ago, and I have plans for that Tuesday (going to see The River at Coal Mine).  I try really hard to stay on top of these things.  I think I'm better than anyone I know for staying up on the theatre scene, and these people have screwed me over three or four times now with their last-minute changes and sporadic news distribution systems.

Since I can't make it, there is no point in resubmitting my script, though I guess I'll leave it in just in case he finally sees it his old email in-box.  I'll just try to write the piece that I wanted to write for Dec.  As I said, I have no idea if I will see the actors I want to track down, but I guess I might as well wait until Dec. (after the Fringe Lottery party).  That way I will know if I need to assemble a cast right away or it is more of a slow-build thing for down the road.  I can't afford to completely cut ties, since I think this is where I will find the actors most willing to take a chance on putting on my work.  So a couple deep breaths and I guess I can move on.  (Maybe I will finally get around to watching 8 1/2 tonight...)

One super interesting thing is that it turns out Ryerson is doing Walker's Suburban Motel (or rather 5/6 of it and they have substituted Filthy Rich for The End of Civilization).  Some details here, though oddly enough not the actual ticket prices.  I have no idea how good or bad they will be, but I am leaning towards going to the A and B shows.  If there were in fact doing all 6 shows, I would probably go to all, but I just saw Problem Child (in a solid performance that I would rather not blur).  As it happens, the play paired with it on C nights is Featuring Loretta, which is apparently one of the weaker plays.  Sadly, I somehow missed The End of Civilization back in March.  An interesting troupe called Triple Bypass put this on.  I came very close to seeing them at the Fringe doing Eric Bogosian's Skunkweed.  I should have just gone, but my family was getting ready to leave for Chicago and I thought I ought to spend a bit more time with them.  (I know, where were my priorities?)  I do hope to see Triple Bypass one of these days, and certainly The End of Civilization as well (again, one of the "tougher" Suburban Motel plays to stage well).

Still, usually things don't come back around, which is why I do try to go when they are first announced.  However, the Bennett Talking Heads show did return, and interestingly enough Three Men in a Boat, which I saw with my son not long after we moved to Toronto.  It's going to be remounted at Factory Theatre in January.  That's really not far from where I work, so I shall try to bring some co-workers along and my friend from my grad. school days.

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