
Friday, November 6, 2015

F**k Ryerson

This has just not been a good week for me, both at work and more specifically in my relationship to Toronto theatre.  I had the mix-up Monday, but even more upsetting was tonight.  I had to work until nearly the last minute, hop in the subway and half run over to Ryerson, only to find out they had sold out the show and the wait list was way too long.  So I will not get to see two of the Suburban Motel plays, since this was the last weekend of their run.

I argued that they were supposed to have my name on the list from before, and I was even looking at the person from Wed. who was supposed to add my name to the list for Friday.  But she pretended she had never seen me before.

I find this so completely inexcusable that I am boycotting Ryerson from here on out.  Absolutely no more theatre shows, which I am sure has them quaking in their boots.  But if I do start a company or become a producer, and that is increasingly likely, whatever happens on the 20th with the Fringe, then I will not hire any Ryerson grads.

I guess to be consistent I can't send in any material to White Wall Review (Ryerson's literary magazine) either, but I guess a boycott isn't really a boycott unless you give up something that actually means something to you.

In any case, I am pissed off beyond belief.  I need to take a break for now and then use this time (where I am not watching the Walker plays as planned) somewhat productively, probably to finish outlining Straying South.

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