
Friday, February 12, 2016

Road tripping (to Peterborough)

I certainly could have picked a better weekend to travel out to Peterborough, but I guess as long as I stay in the car, I should be ok.  I am off to see Tremblay's Les Belles Soeurs tomorrow.  There is a matinee and an evening performance left.  Tickets are available here.  I was going to go anyway, but this review was very positive, so I am really looking forward to it now.  (Well, maybe not the cold or the tedium of driving, but it shouldn't be too bad.)

If the trip goes well, I shall go ahead and get a ticket to the play down at Brock in St. Catherines.  This time I can take the bus and get some reading done. I probably should have gotten my Megabus ticket already, but I don't think the fare will have jumped up too much on me.  This is very much the off-season for travelling.

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