
Sunday, May 1, 2016

May - Sing for Your Supper (w/ my piece The Re-Up!)

So persistence is paying off for me.  I just found out that my piece The Re-up has been selected for the May 2 Sing-for-your-supper!  Some details here.

I'm pretty excited, especially as I had to made quite an effort to get it in on time.  I've gone through my list of submissions, and this now brings me to 3/8.  In at least one or two cases, I was a bit too late and the slate had been set.  (And for better or worse, the curators seem to feel that a piece resubmitted the following month is "stale.")   I would probably have been more content had I made it to 4/8, but it's still a pretty decent batting average (0.375).

As I mentioned before, I will probably be focusing on longer pieces (including expanding my very first successful SFYS submission -- Straying South -- into a full length play), though if I feel inspired, I'll write something short and send it off.

But for now, I will enjoy the accolades that come from getting even a short piece up on stage.  Hope to see some of you there.  Ciao!

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