
Tuesday, May 31, 2016

Summer forecast

I have to admit it feels a little weird to have time on my hands, or at least the prospect of time on my hands.  It's not as if I couldn't fill up a lot of time with my projects of sewing or now working on the deck or cleaning out boxes in the basement.  But it does allow me to start thinking of slightly bigger projects to tackle this summer, now that the pace of work is a little more reasonable.

I'm planning on polishing up the transportation poetry anthology and sending that out to a publisher.  I have one in mind, which is always a good thing.

I'm thinking I should take a fairly big chunk of time to rework the full length plays and then submit them to Toronto Cold Reads.  (It appears there is still time to get in before they start up again in the fall.)  I also have an entire scene completed, but written out by hand, which I have to type up.  I'll probably also recycle the 7-11 piece (maybe making it just a bit longer to add back in the sister character). 

I didn't plan on doing it, but I was so inspired by work (or rather a work retreat) that I attempted to convert it into a scene about a real estate developer trying to sell a project with a huge tower to a reluctant city council.  Or rather they are getting ready to make their pitch, hence the title "The Pitch."  I don't feel I had quite enough time to get the right level of manic energy, and some of the set-ups don't pay off until their mysterious visitor turns up in the next scene.  Anyway, you can judge for yourself.  I am not sure they will take it as a stand-alone piece, i.e. just Scene 1.  It might actually be better for Toronto Cold Reads, but I didn't have enough space to get around to Scene 2.  I'll know within a few more days, and I'll probably prepare Scene 2 while it is fresh in my head and give Scene 1 more polish.  Still, I do like the general craziness of Sing-for-Your-Supper and the much more immediate payoff (next Monday as opposed to some time in the fall), so I'm certainly not going to pull the piece.

At the moment, it does look like I will be doing relatively few events on the weekends over the summer, though that will probably change as I get the Fringe schedule.  I'm sure I will stay busy between the deck and the writing.  Still, I am definitely looking forward to this summer.

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