
Thursday, June 23, 2016

Comic Musical Interlude

Tomorrow night I am off to see the TSO taken over by Colin Mochrie and a handful of Second City comics.  I'm pretty excited.  (Work has been unusually stressful due to some fraught interactions with our sister agency, so I wouldn't mind a distraction from that.)  I've never gotten around to seeing Colin Mochrie live, though we used to see him on Whose Line? all the time (on TV).  This Second City at the TSO concert was a huge hit last year, and I am somewhat sorry I didn't go, but I had other things on my mind at the time.  (Somewhat akin to The Chasse-Gallerie at the Storefront; if they bring it back next Christmas, I'll most likely go.)

In any event, this is the last TSO concert of the season (for me), and I am somewhat proud of the fact that I didn't lose track of anything and lose out on a ticket.  The last ticket I couldn't or didn't use was for a play in Brooklyn, but that doesn't really count, since I got so, so sick and had to cancel the entire trip.  I can't recall actually just slipping up and missing a show, though I assume I have done it once in a while.  I have a vague memory of finding out that I was supposed to go to a show either the day of (or possibly even one day after the show!) and the box office was able to get me a ticket for a different day.  I am thinking that might be Tarragon, but it would have had to have been a show that wasn't a huge hit.  It's certainly not a common occurrence.  I have called up the box office and changed dates (giving them a few days notice).  That was quite necessary when I was a consultant, though truthfully I didn't leave Toronto all that often, and having exchange privileges is probably the main reason I try to go the mini-subscription route.  What is slightly more common in terms of missing out is that I hear about something sort of interesting and file it away for future reference, and then I find I have missed the date.  I can think of at least 3 things this season that fall into that category.  But in these cases, at least I haven't lost any money.

I should have spent at least some time on the deck tonight, but I really am exhausted, and I think that pushing too hard would just make me ill.  It looks like I will have pretty much the whole weekend to sand, and then I'll go ahead and stain no matter how much paint is left embedded in the deck.

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