
Wednesday, August 10, 2016

Summer winding down

I suppose there is almost all of August left, but it feels like the summer is essentially over.  I managed to stay on top of work, though not really get ahead.

I made a lot of progress on the deck, though I did not finish the lower deck last weekend.  Depending on the weather, the current plan is to stain it Monday (when I am taking the day to watch the workmen doing other critical construction) and then it will be done for 3+ years.  I'm debating getting a small charcoal grill and even a hammock, but this all depends on getting rid of the raccoons that have been hanging around the backyard.

I made my annual trip to Stratford, and that was a lot of fun, even though I'm not sure the play (Ibsen's John Gabriel Borkman) has aged all that well.  This summer I added in the canoeing on the Humber, and that may become a tradition, though I would be a lot happier if it rains a bit more next spring and summer.

I watched the Driftwood tour in Withrow Park and also Dusk Dances, which were a lot of fun.  This year, I took my son to Dusk Dances.

In terms of what is left on the agenda, I have plans to see All's Well that Ends Well in High Park towards the end of August.  I'll probably see Shakespeare in the Ruff doing a puppet version of Romeo and Juliet in Withrow Park.  (This park is quite the happening place!)

I'm hoping to get to the Aga Khan Museum, probably next Wednesday (when it is pay what you like) and the AGO, though for that I'll wait to round up the family unit (currently getting ready to disperse to Chicago).  I probably am not going to watch any films at TIFF after all, even though there are many great movies on right now.

I do have tickets tomorrow to see the Youth Orchestra of Canada playing Prokofiev's Symphony #5.

Beyond that, I mostly have creative writing projects that I am quite behind on.  But I don't want to dwell on that, as I have to head off to work now.  Ciao.

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