
Monday, September 5, 2016

Long Weekend, Labour Day 2016

I am certainly glad that I have one more day off.  (I already went ahead and turned off the alarm on my phone, though I may not ultimately go back to bed.)

I already went into some detail on how Sat. was almost entirely dedicated to getting down the first coat of stain on the lower deck, as well as the second coat on the stairs and railing.

Sunday I had to go off and do the grocery shopping, which included trying to figure out what the kids wanted for school lunches.  Then I finished putting down the second coat on the main part of the deck, running out of stain at the end.  I took my son swimming in Greenwood Park.  As we were leaving, the attendant said that it was the last hour of the last day that the pool would be open.  Summer is really over, I thought.  I don't know why I find that a bit upsetting.  It was a brutally hot summer, and one that basically killed all the plants in the front yard, particularly the new ones I tried to add this spring.  I guess this is something we will have to adjust to.  Perhaps I shall plant cacti.

There is no question, we are a bit relieved that the kids will be back in school and not quite so underfoot all the time... I did just a bit more shopping at the mall for school supplies. I spend a bit of time on times tables with my daughter.  They are probably as ready as they are ever going to be.

At 6:30, I set out for the Theatre Centre.  It did take slightly over an hour to get down there, and it turned out The Glass Menagerie was in fact sold out.  I was number 4 on the waiting list, and it appears that only one person actually came off it.  I guess they can do what they want, but it seems to me their oversold policy is foolish.  There were clearly quite a few seats left, but they won't release them before the show like most theatres do.  Instead, they hold them indefinitely, since patrons can even enter at intermission.  I waited until 8:01 and split.  It seems like next weekend may also be sold out, though having the two matinees will help, but I can't go next weekend due to various obligations.  I'll ponder today if I want to go Wed. or Thurs. after work, since I am fairly likely to be taking transit anyway, as there is rain in the forecast.  I will admit, I am somewhat less interested than I was before, mostly because this evening ended up costing me two tokens.  (Though I'm still not as mad as I was when Ryerson didn't honor my reservation and wouldn't get me in to see their show.  Never again will I cross their door.)

Today I would like to get some rest, though the single highest priority is to track down two receipts associated with our move to Toronto.  I know they got stuffed into a folder, but which one???  If I find that relatively quickly, I'll probably spend most of the rest of the day writing and doing some reading.  And maybe a nap thrown in for good measure.

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