
Tuesday, October 18, 2016

Shanley Season

While he is reasonably prolific, I really haven't been that familiar with John Patrick Shanley's work.  It was almost at random that last year I went and saw A Woman is a Secret with the masterclass with Shanley himself afterwards (it really was more of an extended Q & A session).  At any rate, I found he was a bit of a rare breed -- a craftsman at writing plays, which to me seems fairly rare these days.

I've known for a while that the Toronto Irish Players are putting on Outside Mullingar this season.  I have to say doesn't sound all that compelling to me (basically a version of Moonstruck in rural Ireland), but I'll probably go.  It runs from Oct 20 (opening this week in fact) to Nov. 5.  Tickets can be booked here.

What is a bit more exciting to me is that Wolf Manor has decided to put on Danny and the Deep Blue Sea from Dec. 1 to Dec. 18.  I imagine this is a fairly tough play to watch, but I definitely intend to go.*

I vaguely remember that I had the chance to see The Dreamer Examines His Pillow but passed (this must have been in Chicago).  I might still make the same decision today.

I cannot remember if I had the chance to see Savage in Limbo, but I don't think so.  Now that I know a bit more about Shanley, I'll try to catch this one of these days.  In my mind it is somewhat linked up with Lanford Wilson's Balm in Gilead (both being kind of focused on down and out types in seedy bars), but the difference is I still don't want to see Balm in Gilead (and I've passed on it a couple of times) but Savage in Limbo seems a bit more compelling.

* Update: this performance has been moved to Jan. 2017.

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