
Monday, January 2, 2017

The Mouse that Stayed Out Too Late (SFYS)

I have finally started to succumb to picking up a bit of a cold.  I don't think it's a bad one, but it is frustrating.  I also really have to shake it by Friday, since I am flying to DC on Saturday, and it is no fun flying when a bit under the weather.  (Most likely I got the cold because I relaxed too much over the holidays.  My mind lets up just a bit and -- wham -- I get sick.  This runs in my family, actually...)

Anyway, title is a bit of a play on The Mouse That Roared.  (I actually don't think I've ever seen this Peter Sellers movie from start to finish.  I'll have to correct that some day.)

As I mentioned here, I wrote up a short piece about visiting Disney World as an adult and struggling a bit to find the magic that everyone else feels.  It really is supposed to be a comedy, though I suppose it has a serious edge to it.  I just found out that Meeting Mr. Mouse was selected to be read tonight, as part of the first Sing-for-Your-Supper of 2017.  So excited!

Details: Storefront Theatre  - 955 Bloor Street West (basically right at the Ossington station).  It starts at 8, though I would recommend turning up about 7:45. (I'll be there already.)  It is free, though a donation of a loonie or toonie is always welcome.

This is a bit of an historic occasion, since apparently Scott Garland is going to step down from Sing-for-Your-Supper as co-MC.  I guess we'll find out why tonight, but fortunately, the series will continue with Kat Letwin and two newbies: Marissa Heintzman and Cameron Wyllie.  Even though I am definitely trying to focus more on longer pieces, sometimes a shorter, more focused (and more funny) piece just comes to me, and I have to run with it.  That was the case with this piece, and I'm glad it was accepted.  My hit rate is well over 0.500 now.

So hope to see you tonight!

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