
Saturday, February 4, 2017

Greeks and Romans

I mentioned in the post discussing Vanity Fair that I have been inspired to revisit (or more often visit for the first time) a range of Greek and Roman classical authors.  There is no question that my path through university favored the Greek authors, but there are clearly several Roman texts I should take up.  I don't have any particular time frame in mind, though I will try to read The Golden Ass by Apuleius by the summer and Lucretius's De rerum natura/On the Nature of Things by the fall (and probably reread Ovid's Metamorphosis around then).  Depending on how the rest of my reading is coming along, I'll look to start my journey through Homer and Virgil in late 2017 or early 2018.  This will take a bit longer, as I expect to read two translations back to back for all three.  At some point, though probably 2018 or beyond, I will go through the extant Greek plays (Sophocles, Euripedes, Aeschylus, etc.).  I've read or seen quite a few of the plays, but it's time for a refresher course.

Anyway, this is my idiosyncratic list, mostly so I don't have to keep thinking about which translation I want to get out of the library.  I guess the flip side to having so much lost over the ages is that one really can read most of the core Greek and Roman texts within a couple of years (if one dedicated all one's time to it).  I've occasionally been venturing into the other UT libraries, and Trinity has a strong emphasis on the classics.  But even there, pretty much everything fits on 2 rows of shelves.   

R The Golden Ass by Apuleius (Kenney-Penguin but perhaps also Relihan-Hackett)  Didn't care for Sarah Ruden's more modern translation.
Lucretius On the Nature of Things (Stallings-Penguin)
R Hesiod Theogony/Works and Days (Morrissey-Talon Books but perhaps also Wender-Penguin)
R Theognis Elegies (Wender-Penguin)
Ovid The Erotic Poems (Green)
R Ovid Metamorphoses (Humphries) -- I tried the newish Raeburn translation (Penguin) but didn't like it
Ovid Poems of Exile (Green, 2nd ed.) -- Note Green still hasn't translated the Ibis, so this translation will do for now
R Homer The Iliad (Fitzgerald)
R Homer The Odyssey (Fitzgerald)
R Homer The Iliad (Lattimore)
R Homer The Odyssey (Lattimore)
R Virgil The Aeneid (Fitzgerald-Vintage)  perhaps also Ruden (Yale) or even Fagles (Penguin) but probably not, though I was just tipped off to Rolfe Humphries as well
R Virgil The Aeneid (Humphries-Macmillan)
Juvenal The Satires (Green-Penguin)
Horace Odes and Epodes (West-Oxford)
Horace Satires and Epistles (Rudd-Penguin)  This edition also has Persius's Satires.
Epicurus The Extant Remains (Bailey-Oxford) (on-line here)
Epictetus Discourses, Fragments, Handbook (Hard-Oxford)
R Marcus Aurelius Meditations (Grube-Hackett)
Seneca Selected Letters (Fantham-Oxford)
Seneca Dialogues and Essays (Reinhardt-Oxford)
R Petronius Satiricon (Arrowsmith-Plume*)
Herotodus Histories (Landmark edition)
Thucydides The Peloponnesian War (Landmark edition)
Xenophon Hellenika (Landmark edition)
Arrian Campaigns of Alexander (Landmark edition)
Polybius Histories (Oxford, though at some point there may be a Landmark edition -- also see here)
Sophocles (Univ Chicago edition)
Euripedes (Univ Chicago edition)
Aeschylus (Univ Chicago edition)
Aristophanes (NAL edition ?)
Livy The History of Rome (possibly Oxford or just here)
Tacitus The Annals/The Histories (probably Oxford)

* I cannot find this book, but it should be downstairs somewhere.  I'll just have to check it out of the library if it hasn't turned up by the time I'm ready to read it.  I shan't buy it again.  However, I might be convinced to pick up Sullivan's translation (on Penguin), which also includes Seneca's The Apocolocyntosis.

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