
Sunday, February 19, 2017

Sunday in the Park (with kids)

It has been unseasonably warm this weekend, so I took advantage of this and took the kids to Withrow Park.

Almost all the snow had melted with a few random piles in the main park and then a big pile where they had stacked up all the snow when they had plowed to clear the area near the skating rink.  (The rink was closed due to the temperature.)  It was fairly soggy and muddy in spots, so I'm glad I insisted they wear boots.

I had thought my daughter would actually play on the swings, but in the end we just threw the frizbee around a bit and headed back home.

I don't go over to the park quite as often as I should, but maybe I'll make more of an effort this summer and fall.  I just found out that the Driftwood Bard's bus tour will be coming through this summer with Othello.  As I've mentioned before, this is one of my least favorite tragedies, since it relies far too much on coincidence -- and the unwillingness of Iago's wife to intervene -- and not enough on Othello's internal character flaws.  Still, I'll probably go, since it is basically in my back yard, and perhaps I will take my son.  I've been introducing him to Shakespeare's comedies, and maybe it is time to try one of the tragedies.

Anyway, now that we are back, I have about a day and a half left to take care of a few things, since Monday is a holiday.  I have some actual work work, I'd like to get some reading done (Jefferson's Notes on the State of Virginia), maybe do some sewing and then to work on my newest play, Final Exam.  I also probably should convert my Disney World play into a short story and submit it to the Toronto Star short story competition.  And maybe do something with the family, like play Clue or Yahtzee or something, since it is Family Day after all.  I won't get all of that done, but I can make a bit of a dent in a few items, so I had better go get started.

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