
Sunday, March 12, 2017

Proof Positive

I should have gotten this up an hour or so ago, but I was struggling with my phone-computer connection and finally got that fixed.

I saw the Sunday matinee performance of Proof at Red Sandcastle.  The cast did a really great job, and the producer, Carina Cojeen, has done an incredible job with her very first production here in Toronto.  Here are the first reviews -- here and here.  (Note that the second review, from Mooney's, is a bit spoilery.)  I actually saw the show on Broadway with the original cast (featuring Mary Louise Parker).  This is a different show, more intimate and more stripped down.  But it worked just as well, and in some ways the ending feels just a bit more optimistic (there were a few tweaks to the script later).  Another area that stood out a bit more this time around was when Katie is reading her father's notebooks.  Either the script is a bit fuller here, or I just wasn't paying as much attention back then.

Anyway, the show sold out and a few people were turned away.  Tonight may well be sold out as well, but there are three more performances next weekend, and I would strongly encourage people to take the time to go (perhaps reserving tickets would be wise). 

In line

Math books in the window

I will certainly be keeping my eyes open for the next Theatre unBlocked show.

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