
Saturday, April 1, 2017

April-May events

I suppose this is as good a place as any to update this list and focus it more on the immediate future.

In general, I am seeing more music than plays in April -- Esprit Orchestra tomorrow and probably Schubert's String Quintet at the Moredale Concerts and then Amici doing Messiaen's Quartet for the End of Time at the end of April.  All quite exciting, though Amici is probably of most interest to me.  I actually just saw an amazing performance of Wijeratne's Invisible Cities featuring TorQ.  I hope it is recorded soon.  In the meantime, there is this.

TorQ has a spot at an upcoming concert May 27 where the main feature is Carmina Burana.  I'll probably go, even though I've got a ticket for that piece being done by TSO in June!  I still need to get my ticket for the TSO doing Beethoven's 7th (probably on May 26, which would be quite a bit of music back to back).

But of course I'll fit in theatre somehow.

In the next week or two, I need to decide when I will go to Ruhl's The Clean House at Alumnae Theatre.  Details here.

I also will be catching two George Brown productions: The Penelopiad and A Flea in Her Ear and squeezing them in in April.

I am probably going to see Dennis Kelly's Orphans at Coal Mine in April, though I'm pretty sure it will be quite depressing.

For those that missed it during Panamania, LePage's 887 is back for a couple of weeks in April.

I'm debating seeing It's All Tru at Buddies in May.  Mostly because I have seen almost no queer theatre at Buddies since I've moved back, and that sort of seems weird to me.

Another production that was just announced is Ntozake Shange's for colored girls, which will be at Soulpepper through most of May.

In terms of storefront theatre and what I am aware of, Wolf Manor will be remounting Julius Caesar and Seven Siblings will be doing Albee's The Play About the Baby (both in May).

Finally, at the very tail end of May, Norm Foster's Office Hours opens at East Side Players, though I suspect I'll actually catch it in June.

So that seems like more than enough culture to try to fit in during the next two months!

Actually, I would be totally remiss if I didn't mention that the Georgia O'Keeffe exhibit at the AGO opens in April and runs through late July.  I'll try to go several times.  I wonder if it will be quite as crowded as the landscape exhibit, which never thinned out on any of the days I was there, whereas the Harris and Turner exhibits had slow days.

I had really hoped to get to Montreal next weekend to see the Chagall exhibit, but I am just not far enough along on taxes and work is going to be pressing for at least 3 more weeks.  I'll see if I can sneak it a visit to Montreal in May or possibly the first week of June, though that will likely be a busy weekend.

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