
Sunday, April 9, 2017

Daily Grind (better in spring)

I've been thinking quite a bit about the seeming endless cycle of tasks that make up modern life -- off to work 5 or 6 days a week, trash and recycling every week (or alternating weeks in some cities), and of course the annual tasks like cleaning up gardens and dealing with taxes...  I've actually gotten the U.S. taxes figured out roughly a week early, but I still need to go through the Canadian taxes, at least to get a good estimate if I owe anything probably tonight.

Nonetheless, I would agree that all these tasks seem slightly easier now that we have finally eased into spring.  I saw nearly all the neighbours out in their front yards over the weekend.  I probably should have done more yard work, but I'll save that for next week.  I was a bit disappointed that the lower deck looks horrible: all the stain I put on is coming up, so I'll probably look for something that is more purely a stain and less of a stain/paint hybrid.  At least the upper part of the deck looks acceptable after the winter.

Anyway, I've been biking to work roughly twice a week (and dealing with the accompanying soreness).  Usually by May I can get up to 3 or 4 times a week, though that doesn't really seem like enough exercise to undo the damage of the winter.  I am somewhat hopeful that this year I will be able to add in another form of exercise (like swimming or even jogging).  I've bought some proper shoes.  My blood sugars seem slightly more in check, since I've given up the Diet Coke.  I am going to try hard to stick to my next resolution, which is to give up crackers and rely more on gum and rice cakes (and fruit obviously).  At this point, it is probably going to require a better work-life balance as well as the willingness to go to bed when I am really hungry (in the middle of the night) rather than staying up and snacking.  I guess we all need these dreams that "this year things will be different" or we couldn't get through the grind.  And sometimes it is true.  I do think this year I'll make more progress on writing and actually getting something published or staged.  I've found even in the past few weeks that when I am more focused, I am able to crank out some good material, so I'm off to do that for a while (before the working grind catches up to me tomorrow).

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