
Saturday, April 15, 2017

McMichael at Easter

In addition to the AGO being open on Good Friday and Easter Monday, apparently the McMichael is also open on both days.  Who knew that these places would be among the few things open?  I already squeezed in a visit to the AGO.  My schedule is such that trying to make it to the McMichael on Sunday is just not feasible.  Monday is definitely touch and go, but I think I'll try to go.

The main exhibits (mostly focusing on Lawren Harris and his late abstract paintings) will be on view through Sept., so there would be plenty of time to drive up over the summer. However, I am somewhat intrigued by the exhibit Once Upon a Time, Deep in the Dark Forest, which closes Tuesday.  So this is the last weekend to go.  I probably would have been satisfied by a virtual exhibit or even a publication, but it seems like the only way to see this is to go in person.  At least if I do make it up, the Harris exhibit is already running, so it will feel like I got my money's worth.

It's finally stopped raining (I got completely soaked this morning), and we are all hoping that the rain holds off tomorrow at least until noon, so that the kids can hunt Easter eggs outside.

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