
Monday, May 29, 2017

Cold Reads Wrap-up

It was a good time at the Toronto Cold Reads.  It was basically a party to mark the fact they are going away all summer (at least in part because people are so busy with the Toronto Fringe.)  There was a pretty decent spread, though it definitely tended towards chips and cookies (and I was trying to be good).  Most, though not all, of the lentil/couscous dish I made was eaten.  I thought it was a bit garlicy, but a few people liked it.  I actually saved some for lunch tomorrow.  I was hoping I would have my name picked for the writer's challenge, but it was not to be.

I did hear about a number of interesting fringe shows coming up.  The only one that I will surely try to see is George Walker's Adult Entertainment (part of the Suburban Motel series, which I was supposed to see at Ryerson but then didn't), but I'll try to squeeze a few others in, as well as Love and Information, which I definitely plan to see.

I was hoping to hear back from one actor, but she is deep in the throes of a master class, so she said she would respond in a couple of weeks.  I wanted to talk to another, but he was in a fairly big funk, so I'll try later.  (To some extent, it is kind of ridiculous to try to lock in people now for an event in November, but really things are that tight and booked that far in advance.  But what happens is that at least a few people end up getting better paying gigs and then someone else flakes out on you.)

Another actor said that he was in a show in October (this was one of the festivals that I applied for).  So I held back.  I thought about it for a while, and then approached him again to see if he was interested if there was some flexibility.  He said he would definitely consider it, so I'll send him a package in a few days.  I was most hesitant to ask Marcia, since she is sort of the elder statesperson for the group, but in the end, I decided to risk it, so I'll see if I can interest her.

I think there is no question I could take my writing further, but I have to prioritize it a bit more, and to try to take more risks and just put myself out there.  I think it is also time to join the TCR Writers' Group, which apparently means joining Facebook, which I so do not want to do.  I'll send the organizer the script for Dharma Donuts and ask them to see what they think.  Maybe with a bit more encouragement and making some connections, I can start making some headway.

Anyway, I give myself partial marks for finally getting up some courage and generally being a bit more social than I have in the last few weeks.  Hopefully, it will lead somewhere.

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