
Wednesday, May 31, 2017

Fringe 2017 and slightly further afield

The Toronto Fringe 2017 schedule has just gone up.  I know or have a passing acquaintance with folks in a few shows, like Snap! and Welcome to the Bunker!  I haven't entirely decided about those.  The only shows that are must-sees for me are Love and Information and Adult Entertainment.  There actually do not appear to be all that many productions of established playwrights (with these two main exceptions*).  Most of the shows are wacky one- or two-person shows or sketch comedy.  There's nothing wrong with that, but I do tend to seek out slightly meatier fare.  Of all the sketch comedy, the one that seems the most interesting is About Time, but I may catch a few others.  Anyway, Fringe season is always fun, and I'll probably end up seeing a few more things.

One thing that is clear, however, is that a large number of actors and directors and stage managers are all tied up throughout a big chunk of the summer.  So even if I had wanted to put on a show in Sept. or early Oct., it might be hard to line up any talent to rehearse, since they would all be doing Fringe.

Or alternatively, they might be cast in Hogtown, which is coming back to the Campbell House Museum with a cast of about 30.  I skipped it last year, but I might go this summer.

As I have been hinting, I have decided to go ahead with Second Chance Shorts (it is sort of tempting to call it Second-Hand Shorts, though that would give completely the wrong impression...).  On the one hand, I am resurrecting some shorts that only had one chance at life at Sing-for-Your-Supper. In addition, most of the playlets involve someone attempting to get a second or even third chance (to salvage a relationship or a business deal).  I think it is a slightly more dignified title than Super Fun! Super Sexy! Shorts, which was my working title until a few days ago (I was going to go for a J-Pop aesthetic in the ads).  This will run Nov. 2-5, so there should be plenty of time to get in enough rehearsals and do everything that needs to be done (including finding a director and a light/sound technician).  I have reached out to 5 actors -- one is a definite yes, one is a strong probability to sign on, and I am waiting on the others.  It seems enough to get that critical mass and move ahead.  I'll definitely be posting more as the time draws near and there will probably be a contest for free tickets as well in late Oct., so watch this space!

* Actually, there are a few adaptations.  I'm puzzled how they could squeeze Feydeau's A Flea in Her Ear down to 90 minutes, but not enough to see it (since I saw George Brown do a full length version).  Then there is a burlesque version of Aristophanes' Lysistrata.  While that sounds sort of interesting, I'd have to be convinced that they have kept most of the plot rather than just use it as an excuse to do pole dancing or something.

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