
Friday, June 16, 2017

First steps to Quiltsville

So I am well underway on making a quilt top for the very first time.

Not surprisingly, at least for stitching together the individual rows, it takes much longer to cut all the cloth and arrange the pieces than to actually sew the seams.  Here are the first two rows.  This is going to be quite a large quilt in the end, and my daughter wants a purple border as well, though I don't know right now if I actually will have sufficient material based on what I bought (before Fabricland moved to a different location).

I'm still playing a bit with the machine settings.  It's close but not quite right, so I'll fiddle around a bit more tomorrow.  Anyway, I have sewn together the top row and it didn't take all that long.  It's pretty well squared up, so I'll just have to continue to pay attention while cutting the fabric.

Since the instructions are just a bit vague in terms of pressing the seams before joining the rows together, I am a bit worried about that.  It may help that most of the time a seam in one row will actually join up to the middle of a cross in the other row, so maybe it won't bunch up too much.  I think I'll assemble 3 or 4 individual rows before attempting to join them up length-wise.

Anyway, there are 15 more rows of material left to cut out (before deciding on the border).  I'll certainly need to get more white thread before this is all over.  If I plug away at it, I think I can be done with the top by the end of summer and then investigate the options for bundling it up for someone else to do the joining and long-arm sewing.  I won't know for a while, but I think I will have enough material for a second, perhaps slightly smaller, Xmas quilt for my son, but this one will be a Trip Around the World, which requires simpler and fewer cuts, at least when getting it started. 

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