
Friday, September 1, 2017

Left my eye off the ball

I'm pretty frustrated with myself.  I really needed to put a note into my Outlook calendar to try to order tickets to the Salman Rushdie reading at the Toronto Public Library on Sept 21.  The date to try to request tickets was yesterday, but I simply didn't remember until I got home after work (and after swimming), and naturally they were all gone by then.  Now on the day of the event you can go stand in line to see if you can get in, but I think this is an event where there will be no seats left.  It's too bad, as I've heard that his new book is actually quite good, and I might have bought it and stood in line to get in autographed.  He's actually a good reader as well (I heard him read in Chicago once), and I'm kind of peeved that I have missed out.  I guess I will see if he adds any other events around the city that week, but that seems somewhat unlikely.

Events have come together so I can't go to the preview of Coal Mine's The Aliens, but I think in this case there is a pretty good chance I can get rush tickets.  In fact, it might actually get easier later in the run, as people realize how long the show is...  I'm not sure how hard it will be to get rush tickets to Soulpepper's Waiting for Godot, but I think I'll still give it a shot in a couple of weeks.

It's actually sort of odd that I have more than a few tickets for events scheduled for next Feb. and March, but I don't have a lot pinned down in between (aside from a handful of TSO dates).  I suppose I did order a 3-show subscription to Factory this season, but I haven't gotten around to booking anything else at Soulpepper.  I'm sure there will be quite a bit to fill up my calendar, but it may all end up being a bit last-minute at this point.

I guess this isn't leaving my eye off the ball, but I thought fairly seriously about going to see The Breathing Hole at Stratford, but the timing just didn't work out (to combine with my trip to see School for Scandal and The Changeling).  The reviews are finally in, and they have been quite positive (with some reservations about the ending).  But I just don't have the time or budget to go before it closes.  However, I have a sneaking suspicion that this might make a transfer to Toronto later this season, so I'll keep my eyes open for that and I'll certainly note it here.

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