
Thursday, October 19, 2017

Art Bus to the McMichael

Somehow this completely slipped under my radar, but this summer the McMichael ran an "art bus" from downtown Toronto to the gallery on Sundays.  Now it did sort of assume you wanted to spend all day at the gallery, since you would have to leave from Spadina and King at 10 and then leave the McMichael at 3:30 (to get back around 4:30).  This was initially only going to be July and August, but it seems it has been extended through October.  Some details here.

I suppose if you pack a lunch, it might not be bad to wander around the gallery and then stroll around on the grounds, perhaps taking time to read or reflect in the woods, and then make one's way back downtown in the mid-afternoon.  I assume the leaves are just starting to change up in Kleinsburg, and it is probably quite pretty now.

It costs $10 for the bus, plus you then need to pay admission to the gallery.  Given that parking alone is $7, and in my case I have to rent a ZipCar, it would still be cheaper for me to take the bus, even if bringing up to 2 more people along.  I'll have to consider this seriously, though I suspect I don't have the time this Oct.  I have no idea whether they will continue to extend this into the winter (probably not) or bring it back next year.  I don't really know if it is such a rousing success as the Stratford bus (and hopefully the Shaw bus).  It is after all somewhat limited if it only runs on Sundays.  Mostly, I don't think people know about this new service, so I thought I would at least mention it on the blog.

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