
Saturday, October 7, 2017

Drowning in music

I suppose of all the ways to go, drowning in music wouldn't be so terrible.  It's a similar problem to having too many books (as discussed in this somewhat overlong post), though it seems somewhat easier to catch up by binge-listening to music than to try to read all the books on all the shelves!  But at its root, it is the same issue, trying to cover too much ground, be too cultured and to experience ALL the best of music, of art, of cinema, of literature, etc.  It simply can't be done in one lifetime.

But it is part of the sickness (of acquisitiveness) that that doesn't really matter.  I have a few box sets I have never opened, and yet if the right deal comes along, I will buy a new one.  And sometimes I am not even aware of already owning the music (so I have to check my old Amazon account and email trails to make sure I don't own something!).  I'll then go on a jag (which I am in the middle of at the moment) where I try to organize things better (the more I am aware of where CDs are stored, the more likely I am to listen to them) -- and even to sell off the music which no longer seems to hold my interest (though it must be said it is much harder than it used to be to sell off used CDs).  Currently, I seem to be missing a Sibelius set and a Tuby Hayes set from Proper,* and I don't think I will rest easy until I track them down.

One thing that has made things slightly better is that the Toronto library provides access to Hoopla (8 titles a month) and Naxos on-line (not sure if there is a monthly limit).  Usually if I can listen to a piece once, that is sufficient for me to check it off my internal mental list and I no longer have to own a copy.  I found it was possible to piece together the Klemperer Sacred Music box set through Naxos and Hoopla, so I was able to remove the actual CD set from my Amazon basket.  (I suppose it also helps a bit that shipping to Canada usually costs enough that I have to think a bit harder before impulse buying.)  I don't think I'll ever completely escape these obsessions, but I think (hope) I can keep it enough under control that I will not end up literally buried under a pile of CDs and LPs.

* I found them both after an hour of searching (neither where they were supposed to be naturally), but now I realized I am missing a Pierre Fournier set from EMI, but it is too late to look any more tonight.  I have also pulled together a fairly long stack of CDs I will try to sell off.  If can actually clear these out of the office (say by next week) I will definitely feel I accomplished something over the long weekend.

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